Salah Abdallah
Cited by
Cited by
Two axes sun tracking system with PLC control
S Abdallah, S Nijmeh
Energy conversion and management 45 (11-12), 1931-1939, 2004
Sun tracking system for productivity enhancement of solar still
S Abdallah, OO Badran
Desalination 220 (1-3), 669-676, 2008
The effect of using sun tracking systems on the voltage–current characteristics and power generation of flat plate photovoltaics
S Abdallah
Energy conversion and management 45 (11-12), 1671-1679, 2004
Effect of various absorbing materials on the thermal performance of solar stills
S Abdallah, MM Abu-Khader, O Badran
Desalination 242 (1-3), 128-137, 2009
Performance evaluation of a modified design of a single slope solar still
S Abdallah, O Badran, MM Abu-Khader
Desalination 219 (1-3), 222-230, 2008
Evaluating multi-axes sun-tracking system at different modes of operation in Jordan
MM Abu-Khader, OO Badran, S Abdallah
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 12 (3), 864-873, 2008
A parabolic solar cooker with automatic two axes sun tracking system
MS Al-Soud, E Abdallah, A Akayleh, S Abdallah, ES Hrayshat
Applied Energy 87 (2), 463-470, 2010
Performance of a photovoltaic powered reverse osmosis system under local climatic conditions
S Abdallah, M Abu-Hilal, MS Mohsen
Desalination 183 (1-3), 95-104, 2005
Design, construction and operation of spherical solar cooker with automatic sun tracking system
R Abu-Malouh, S Abdallah, IM Muslih
Energy Conversion and Management 52 (1), 615-620, 2011
A programmable logic controller to control two axis sun tracking system
R Mamlook, S Nijmeh, SM Abdallah
Information Technology Journal 5 (6), 1083-1087, 2006
Water pumping system with PLC and frequency control
A Ali, M Al Soud, E Abdallah, S Addallah
Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 3 (3), 216-221, 2009
Design, construction and operation of one axis sun tracking system with PLC control
S Abdallah, S Nijmeh
Jordan Journal Applied Science University 2, 45-53, 2002
Performance evaluation of solar distillation using vacuum tube coupled with photovoltaic system
S Abdallah, MM Abu-Khader, O Badran
Applied Solar Energy 45, 176-180, 2009
Heating systems with PLC and frequency control
S Abdallah, R Abu-Mallouh
Energy conversion and management 49 (11), 3356-3361, 2008
Cylindrical solar cooker with automatic two axes sun tracking system
E Abdallah, M Al_Soud, AAS Abdallah
Jordan Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 4 (4), 477-486, 2010
Performance evaluation of spherical and pyramid solar stills with chamber stepwise basin
S Abdallah, M Nasir, D Afaneh
Desalination and Water Treatment 218, 119-125, 2021
Evaluating Thermal Performance of Solar Cookers under Jordanian Climate.
M Abu-Khader, M Abu Hilal, S Abdallah, O Badran
Jordan Journal of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering 5 (1), 2011
New water distillation techniques by solar energy using
Applied Solar Energy 46 (1), 8-12, 2010
Productivity enhancement of solar still with PV powered heating coil and chamber step-wise basin
S Abdallah
Journal of Ecological Engineering 19 (2), 8-15, 2018
The effect of electrical variables on hydrogen and oxygen production using a water electrolyzing system
H Saleet, S Abdallah, E Yousef
Int. J. Appl. Eng. Res 12 (13), 3730-3739, 2017
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Articles 1–20