Donna Peuquet
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Cited by
It's about time: A conceptual framework for the representation of temporal dynamics in geographic information systems
DJ Peuquet
Annals of the Association of american Geographers 84 (3), 441-461, 1994
An event-based spatiotemporal data model (ESTDM) for temporal analysis of geographical data
DJ Peuquet, N Duan
International journal of geographical information systems 9 (1), 7-24, 1995
Representations of space and time
DJ Peuquet
Guilford Press, 2002
A conceptual framework and comparison of spatial data models
DJ Peuquet
Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and …, 1984
An algorithm to determine the directional relationship between arbitrarily-shaped polygons in the plane
DJ Peuquet, Z Ci-Xiang
Pattern recognition 20 (1), 65-74, 1987
Making space for time: Issues in space-time data representation
DJ Peuquet
GeoInformatica 5, 11-32, 2001
Introductory readings in geographic information systems
DJ Peuquet, DF Marble
CRC Press, 1990
Representations of geographic space: toward a conceptual synthesis
DJ Peuquet
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 78 (3), 375-394, 1988
A conceptual framework for incorporating cognitive principles into geographical database representation
JL Mennis, DJ Peuquet, L Qian
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 14 (6), 501-520, 2000
GIS approaches for the estimation of residential-level ambient PM concentrations
D Liao, DJ Peuquet, Y Duan, EA Whitsel, J Dou, RL Smith, HM Lin, ...
Environmental health perspectives 114 (9), 1374-1380, 2006
Geographic information systems and remote sensing.
DF Marble, DJ Peuquet
Manual of remote sensing, 2nd edition. Vol. I, 923-958, 1983
Time in GIS and geographical databases
DJ Peuquet
Geographical information systems 1, 91-103, 1999
KBGIS-II A Knowledge-based geographical information system
T Smith, D Peuquet, S Menon, P Agarwal
International Journal of Geographical Information System 1 (2), 149-172, 1987
Basic readings in geographic information systems.
DF Marble, HW Calkins, DJ Peuquet
Basic readings in geographic information systems., 1984
Progress in computational methods for representing geographical concepts
MJ Egenhofer, J Glasgow, O Gunther, JR Herring, DJ Peuquet
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 13 (8), 775-796, 1999
ICEAGE: Interactive clustering and exploration of large and high-dimensional geodata
D Guo, DJ Peuquet, M Gahegan
GeoInformatica 7, 229-253, 2003
Geobrowsing: creative thinking and knowledge discovery using geographic visualization
DJ Peuquet, MJ Kraak
Information Visualization 1 (1), 80-91, 2002
An approach for time-based analysis of spatiotemporal data
D Peuquet, E Wentz
Advances in GIS research. Proc. 6th symposium, Edinburgh, 1994. Vol. 1, 489-504, 1994
An examination of techniques for reformatting digital cartographic data/Part 1: The raster-to-vector process
DJ Peuquet
Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and …, 1981
An integrated database design for temporal GIS
D Peuquet, L Qian
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling 1, 2 …, 1996
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Articles 1–20