MaryAnn Love Malinconico
MaryAnn Love Malinconico
Research Associate, Lafayette College
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Lyonsite, Cu32+ Fe43+ (VO4) 63−, a new fumarolic sublimate from Izalco Volcano, El Salvador; descriptive mineralogy and crystal structure
JM Hughes, SJ Starkey, ML Malinconico, LL Malinconico
American Mineralogist 72 (9-10), 1000-1005, 1987
Rift-basin development: lessons from the Triassic–Jurassic Newark Basin of eastern North America
MO Withjack, RW Schlische, ML Malinconico, PE Olsen
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 369 (1), 301-321, 2013
Howardevansite, NaCu2+ Fe3+ 2 (VO4) 3-3, a new fumarolic sublimate from Izalco Volcano, El Salvador; descriptive mineralogy and crystal structure
JM Hughes, JW Drexler, CF Campana, ML Malinconico
American Mineralogist 73 (1-2), 181-186, 1988
Development of a petrographic classification of fly-ash components from coal combustion and co-combustion.(An ICCP Classification System, Fly-Ash Working Group–Commission III.)
I Suárez-Ruiz, B Valentim, AG Borrego, A Bouzinos, D Flores, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 183, 188-203, 2017
Blossite, alpha-Cu 2 (super 2+) V 2 (super 5+) O 7, a new fumarolic sublimate from Izalco Volcano, El Salvador
PD Robinson, JM Hughes, ML Malinconico
American Mineralogist 72 (3-4), 397-400, 1987
Quaternary tephra of northern Central America
WI Rose, GA Hahn, JW Drexler, ML Malinconico, PS Peterson, ...
Tephra Studies: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute” Tephra …, 1981
Reflectance cross-plot analysis of graptolites from the anchi-metamorphic region of northern Maine, USA
ML Malinconico
Organic geochemistry 20 (2), 197-207, 1993
Lacustrine organic sedimentation, organic metamorphism and thermal history of selected early Mesozoic Newark Supergroup basins, eastern United States of America
ML Malinconico
Columbia University, 2002
Postimpact heat conduction and compaction-driven fluid flow in the Chesapeake Bay impact structure based on downhole vitrinite reflectance data, ICDP-USGS Eyreville deep core …
ML Malinconico, WE Sanford, JW Horton Jr
The ICDP-USGS Deep Drilling Project in the Chesapeake Bay Impact Structure …, 2009
Estimates of eroded strata using borehole vitrinite reflectance data, triassic taylorsville rift basin, virginia: Implications for duration of synrift sedimentation and …
ML Malinconico
The Great Rift Valleys of Pangea in Eastern North America: Volume 1, 80-103, 2003
Synrift to early postrift basin-scale groundwater history of the Newark basin based on surface and borehole vitrinite reflectance data
ML Malinconico
Contributions to the Geology and Hydrogeology of the Newark Basin. New …, 2010
The “passive” margin of eastern North America: Rifting and the influence of prerift orogenic activity on postrift development
M Withjack, M Malinconico, M Durcanin, L Godin
Lithosphere 2020 (1), 2020
The “Passive” Margin of Eastern North America: Rifting and the Influence of Prerift Orogenic Activity on Postrift Development
M Withjack, M Malinconico, M Durcanin
Lithosphere 2020 (1), 1-29, 2020
Graptolite reflectance in the prehnite-pumpellyite zone of Northern Maine, USA
ML Malinconico
Organic geochemistry 18 (3), 263-271, 1992
Thermal history of the Early Mesozoic Newark (NJ/PA) and Taylorsville (VA) basins using borehole vitrinite reflectance: conductive and advective effects
ML Malinconico
Geological Society of America, Abstracts with Programs 31, 1999
Towards an ICCP classification of Fly Ash components
I Suárez-Ruiz, B Valentim, AG Borrego, A Bouzinos, D Flores, ...
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP), 2008
Using reflectance crossplots and rotational polarization for determining first-cycle vitrinite for maturation studies
ML Malinconico
International journal of coal geology 43 (1-4), 105-120, 2000
Triassic Taylorsville Basin, Virginia, USA: comparative thermal history and organic facies within the Early Mesozoic eastern North American lacustrine rift Basin system
ML Malinconico
Proceedings, GCSSEPM Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, Petroleum Systems …, 2015
Duration of rifting and thermal modeling of the Triassic Taylorsville Basin, Virginia, based on vitrinite reflectance
ML Malinconico
Annual Meeting of the Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) 12, 9-11, 1995
Organic Petrographic Studies of the Early Mesozoic Newark Rift Basin--(1) Thermal History Using Borehole and Surface Vitrinite Reflectance and (2) Organic Sedimentation …
ML Malinconico
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP) annual meeting, Abstracts with …, 2001
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Articles 1–20