Tony Arber
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Cited by
Contemporary particle-in-cell approach to laser-plasma modelling
TD Arber, K Bennett, CS Brady, A Lawrence-Douglas, MG Ramsay, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 57 (11), 113001, 2015
Dense Electron-Positron Plasmas and Ultraintense rays from Laser-Irradiated Solids
CP Ridgers, CS Brady, R Duclous, JG Kirk, K Bennett, TD Arber, ...
Physical review letters 108 (16), 165006, 2012
Modelling gamma-ray photon emission and pair production in high-intensity laser–matter interactions
CP Ridgers, JG Kirk, R Duclous, TG Blackburn, CS Brady, K Bennett, ...
Journal of computational physics 260, 273-285, 2014
A staggered grid, Lagrangian–Eulerian remap code for 3-D MHD simulations
TD Arber, AW Longbottom, CL Gerrard, AM Milne
Journal of Computational Physics 171 (1), 151-181, 2001
Nature of the heating mechanism for the diffuse solar corona
ER Priest, CR Foley, J Heyvaerts, TD Arber, JL Culhane, LW Acton
Nature 393 (6685), 545-547, 1998
A critical comparison of Eulerian-grid-based Vlasov solvers
TD Arber, RGL Vann
Journal of computational physics 180 (1), 339-357, 2002
The emergence of magnetic flux through a partially ionised solar atmosphere
JE Leake, TD Arber
Astronomy & Astrophysics 450 (2), 805-818, 2006
A method to determine the heating mechanisms of the solar corona
ER Priest, CR Foley, J Heyvaerts, TD Arber, D Mackay, JL Culhane, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 539 (2), 1002, 2000
Acoustic oscillations in solar and stellar flaring loops
VM Nakariakov, D Tsiklauri, A Kelly, TD Arber, MJ Aschwanden
Astronomy & Astrophysics 414 (2), L25-L28, 2004
Collisional and viscous damping of MHD waves in partially ionized plasmas of the solar atmosphere
ML Khodachenko, TD Arber, HO Rucker, A Hanslmeier
Astronomy & Astrophysics 422 (3), 1073-1084, 2004
Laser absorption in relativistically underdense plasmas by synchrotron radiation
CS Brady, CP Ridgers, TD Arber, AR Bell, JG Kirk
Physical review letters 109 (24), 245006, 2012
Collisional dissipation of Alfvén waves in a partially ionised solar chromosphere
JE Leake, TD Arber, ML Khodachenko
Astronomy & Astrophysics 442 (3), 1091-1098, 2005
Emergence of a flux tube through a partially ionized solar atmosphere
TD Arber, M Haynes, JE Leake
The Astrophysical Journal 666 (1), 541, 2007
Dense electron-positron plasmas and bursts of gamma-rays from laser-generated quantum electrodynamic plasmas
CP Ridgers, CS Brady, R Duclous, JG Kirk, K Bennett, TD Arber, AR Bell
Physics of Plasmas 20 (5), 2013
Time signatures of impulsively generated coronal fast wave trains
VM Nakariakov, TD Arber, CE Ault, AC Katsiyannis, DR Williams, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 349 (2), 705-709, 2004
Nonlinear dissipative spherical Alfvén waves in solar coronal holes
VM Nakariakov, L Ofman, TD Arber
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 353, p. 741-748 (2000) 353, 741-748, 2000
Chromospheric resonances above sunspot umbrae
GJJ Botha, TD Arber, VM Nakariakov, YD Zhugzhda
The Astrophysical Journal 728 (2), 84, 2011
The effect of sheared axial flow on the linear stability of the Z‐pinch
TD Arber, DF Howell
Physics of Plasmas 3 (2), 554-560, 1996
VALIS: A split-conservative scheme for the relativistic 2D Vlasov–Maxwell system
NJ Sircombe, TD Arber
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (13), 4773-4788, 2009
Flare-generated acoustic oscillations in solar and stellar coronal loops
D Tsiklauri, VM Nakariakov, TD Arber, MJ Aschwanden
Astronomy & Astrophysics 422 (1), 351-355, 2004
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Articles 1–20