Rafat Ali
Rafat Ali
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Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
RECOVERY Collaborative Group
Lancet (London, England) 397 (10285), 1637, 2021
Text mining: use of TF-IDF to examine the relevance of words to documents
S Qaiser, R Ali
International Journal of Computer Applications 181 (1), 25-29, 2018
Hexavalent chromium removal from aqueous medium by activated carbon prepared from peanut shell: adsorption kinetics, equilibrium and thermodynamic studies
ZA Al-Othman, R Ali, M Naushad
Chemical engineering journal 184, 238-247, 2012
Sequence determinants of intracellular phase separation by complex coacervation of a disordered protein
CW Pak, M Kosno, AS Holehouse, SB Padrick, A Mittal, R Ali, AA Yunus, ...
Molecular cell 63 (1), 72-85, 2016
The impact of reward and recognition programs on employee’s motivation and satisfaction: an empirical study
R Ali, MS Ahmed
International review of business research papers 5 (4), 270-279, 2009
Dietary sources of lutein and zeaxanthin carotenoids and their role in eye health
ESM Abdel-Aal, H Akhtar, K Zaheer, R Ali
Nutrients 5 (4), 1169-1185, 2013
Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study
COVIDSurg Collaborative
Anaesthesia 76 (6), 748-758, 2021
The aging paradox: free radical theory of aging
BT Ashok, R Ali
Experimental gerontology 34 (3), 293-303, 1999
Casirivimab and imdevimab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
RECOVERY Collaborative Group, PW Horby, M Mafham, L Peto, ...
Medrxiv, 2021.06. 15.21258542, 2021
Impact of urbanization on CO2 emissions in emerging economy: evidence from Pakistan
R Ali, K Bakhsh, MA Yasin
Sustainable Cities and Society 48, 101553, 2019
Oxygen free radicals and systemic autoimmunity
H Ahsan, A Ali, R Ali
Clinical & Experimental Immunology 131 (3), 398-404, 2003
FGF regulates TGF-β signaling and endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition via control of let-7 miRNA expression
PY Chen, L Qin, C Barnes, K Charisse, T Yi, X Zhang, R Ali, PP Medina, ...
Cell reports 2 (6), 1684-1696, 2012
Development of the chick microbiome: how early exposure influences future microbial diversity
AL Ballou, RA Ali, MA Mendoza, JC Ellis, HM Hassan, WJ Croom, ...
Frontiers in veterinary science 3, 2, 2016
Application and opportunities of pulses in food system: a review
M Asif, LW Rooney, R Ali, MN Riaz
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 53 (11), 1168-1179, 2013
Effect of using problem solving method in teaching mathematics on the achievement of mathematics students
R Ali, A Akhter, A Khan
Asian Social Science 6 (2), 67, 2010
Nuclear import receptor inhibits phase separation of FUS through binding to multiple sites
T Yoshizawa, R Ali, J Jiou, HYJ Fung, KA Burke, SJ Kim, Y Lin, ...
Cell 173 (3), 693-705. e22, 2018
A comparison of sequencing platforms and bioinformatics pipelines for compositional analysis of the gut microbiome
I Allali, JW Arnold, J Roach, MB Cadenas, N Butz, HM Hassan, M Koci, ...
BMC microbiology 17, 1-16, 2017
Tgfbr2 disruption in postnatal smooth muscle impairs aortic wall homeostasis
W Li, Q Li, Y Jiao, L Qin, R Ali, J Zhou, J Ferruzzi, RW Kim, A Geirsson, ...
The Journal of clinical investigation 124 (2), 755-767, 2014
Expression of the peptide antibiotics human β defensin-1 and human β defensin-2 in normal human skin
A Falconer, M Ikram, CE Bissett, R Cerio, AG Quinn, RS Ali
Journal of investigative dermatology 117 (1), 106-111, 2001
Mekong river basin water resources assessment: Impacts of climate change
J Eastham, F Mpelasoka, M Mainuddin, C Ticehurst, P Dyce, G Hodgson, ...
CSIRO: water for a healthy country National Research Flagship, 2008
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