Scott Newey
Scott Newey
Senior Scientist at The Game Wildlife Conservation Trust (Scotland)
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Ash dieback in the UK: a review of the ecological and conservation implications and potential management options
RJ Mitchell, JK Beaton, PE Bellamy, A Broome, J Chetcuti, S Eaton, ...
Biological conservation 175, 95-109, 2014
Limitations of recreational camera traps for wildlife management and conservation research: A practitioner’s perspective
S Newey, P Davidson, S Nazir, G Fairhurst, F Verdicchio, RJ Irvine, ...
Ambio 44, 624-635, 2015
Parasite–mediated reduction in fecundity of mountain hares
S Newey, S Thirgood
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2004
Prevalence, intensity and aggregation of intestinal parasites in mountain hares and their potential impact on population dynamics
S Newey, DJ Shaw, A Kirby, P Montieth, PJ Hudson, SJ Thirgood
International Journal for Parasitology 35 (4), 367-373, 2005
Culling wildlife hosts to control disease: mountain hares, red grouse and louping ill virus
A Harrison, S Newey, L Gilbert, DT Haydon, S Thirgood
Journal of Applied Ecology 47 (4), 926-930, 2010
Adaptive-optics-enabled quantum communication: A technique for daytime space-to-earth links
MT Gruneisen, ML Eickhoff, SC Newey, KE Stoltenberg, JF Morris, ...
Physical Review Applied 16 (1), 014067, 2021
Collapsing foundations: The ecology of the British oak, implications of its decline and mitigation options
RJ Mitchell, PE Bellamy, CJ Ellis, RL Hewison, NG Hodgetts, GR Iason, ...
Biological Conservation 233, 316-327, 2019
Do parasite burdens in spring influence condition and fecundity of female mountain hares Lepus timidus?
S Newey, SJ Thirgood, PJ Hudson
Wildlife Biology 10 (3), 171-176, 2004
Use of a novel camera trapping approach to measure small mammal responses to peatland restoration
NA Littlewood, MH Hancock, S Newey, G Shackelford, R Toney
European Journal of Wildlife Research 67 (1), 12, 2021
WiseEye: Next generation expandable and programmable camera trap platform for wildlife research
S Nazir, S Newey, RJ Irvine, F Verdicchio, P Davidson, G Fairhurst, R Wal
PLoS one 12 (1), e0169758, 2017
Do mountain hare populations cycle?
S Newey, T Willebrand, DT Haydon, F Dahl, NJ Aebischer, AA Smith, ...
Oikos 116 (9), 1547-1557, 2007
The effects of the Braer oil spill on rocky intertidal communities in South Shetland, Scotland
S Newey, R Seed
Oceanographic Literature Review 11 (42), 1021, 1995
Can distance sampling and dung plots be used to assess the density of mountain hares Lepus timidus?
S Newey, M Bell, S Enthoven, S Thirgood
Wildlife Biology 9 (3), 185-192, 2003
Consequences of game bird management for non‐game species in Europe
K Mustin, B Arroyo, P Beja, S Newey, RJ Irivine, J Kestler, SM Redpath
Journal of applied ecology 55 (5), 2285-2295, 2018
Biodiversity impacts of game bird hunting and associated management practices in Europe and North America
K Mustin, S Newey, J Irvine, B Arroyo, S Redpath
RSPB report, 2011
The strong and the hungry: bias in capture methods for mountain hares Lepus timidus
F Bisi, S Newey, M Nodari, LA Wauters, A Harrison, S Thirgood, ...
Wildlife Biology 17 (3), 311-316, 2011
Unstable dynamics and population limitation in mountain hares
S Newey, F Dahl, T Willebrand, S Thirgood
Biological Reviews 82 (4), 527-549, 2007
Carcass provisioning to support scavengers: evaluating a controversial nature conservation practice
D Fielding, S Newey, R van der Wal, RJ Irvine
Ambio 43, 810-819, 2014
Distribution of mountain hares Lepus timidus in Scotland: results from a questionnaire
V Patton, JA Ewald, AA Smith, S Newey, GR Iason, SJ Thirgood, ...
Mammal Review 40 (4), 313-326, 2010
Population and individual level effects of over‐winter supplementary feeding mountain hares
S Newey, P Allison, S Thirgood, AA Smith, IM Graham
Journal of Zoology 282 (3), 214-220, 2010
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Articles 1–20