Shawn T. McKinney
Shawn T. McKinney
Rocky Mountain Research Station
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The priority of prediction in ecological understanding
JE Houlahan, ST McKinney, TM Anderson, BJ McGill
Oikos 126 (1), 1-7, 2017
Invasive pathogen threatens bird–pine mutualism: implications for sustaining a high‐elevation ecosystem
ST McKinney, CE Fiedler, DF Tomback
Ecological Applications 19 (3), 597-607, 2009
A range-wide restoration strategy for whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis)
RE Keane, DF Tomback, CA Aubry, AD Bower, EM Campbell, CL Cripps, ...
Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-279. Fort Collins, CO: US Department of Agriculture …, 2012
The influence of white pine blister rust on seed dispersal in whitebark pine
ST McKinney, DF Tomback
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37 (6), 1044-1057, 2007
Whitebark pine stand condition, tree abundance, and cone production as predictors of visitation by Clark's nutcracker
LE Barringer, DF Tomback, MB Wunder, ST McKinney
PLoS One 7 (5), e37663, 2012
Pairing field methods to improve inference in wildlife surveys while accommodating detection covariance
J Clare, ST McKinney, JE DePue, CS Loftin
Ecological Applications 27 (7), 2031-2047, 2017
A systematic review of empirical evidence for landscape-level fuel treatment effectiveness
ST McKinney, I Abrahamson, T Jain, N Anderson
Fire Ecology 18 (1), 21, 2022
Effects of recreational trails on wintering diurnal raptors along riparian corridors in a Colorado grassland
RJ Fletcher Jr, ST McKinney, CE Bock
Journal of Raptor Research 33 (3), 6, 1999
Intraspecific functional diversity of common species enhances community stability
CM Wood, ST McKinney, CS Loftin
Ecology and Evolution 7 (5), 1553-1560, 2017
Tree squirrel habitat selection and predispersal seed predation in a declining subalpine conifer
ST McKinney, CE Fiedler
Oecologia 162, 697-707, 2010
Whitebark and foxtail pine in Yosemite, Sequoia, and Kings Canyon National Parks: Initial assessment of stand structure and condition
JCB Nesmith, M Wright, ES Jules, ST McKinney
Forests 10 (1), 35, 2019
Systematic review and meta-analysis of fire regime research in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) ecosystems, Colorado, USA
ST McKinney
Fire Ecology 15, 1-25, 2019
Integrating forest health conditions and species adaptive capacities to infer future trajectories of the high elevation five-needle white pines
AW Schoettle, KS Burns, ST McKinney, J Krakowski, KM Waring, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 521, 120389, 2022
Satellite-detected forest disturbance forecasts American marten population decline: the case for supportive space-based monitoring
J Clare, ST McKinney, EM Simons-Legaard, JE DePue, CS Loftin
Biological Conservation 233, 336-345, 2019
Monitoring White Pine (Pinus Albicaulis, P. Balfouriana, P. Flexilis) Community Dynamics in the Pacific West Region-Klamath, Sierra Nevada, and Upper Columbia Basin Networks …
ST McKinney
US Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Natural Resource …, 2012
On theory in ecology: another perspective
JE Houlahan, ST McKinney, R Rochette
BioScience 65 (4), 341-342, 2015
Forest structure, health, and mortality in two Rocky Mountain whitebark pine ecosystems: Implications for restoration
CE Fiedler, ST McKinney
Natural areas Journal 34 (3), 290-299, 2014
A range-wide restoration strategy for whitebark pine forests
RE Keane, DF Tomback, CA Aubry, AD Bower, EM Campbell, CL Cripps, ...
USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station: Fort Collins, CO, USA, 308, 2012
A range-wide restoration strategy for whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis). USDA For. Serv
RE Keane, DF Tomback, C Aubry, A Bower, E Campbell, M Jenkins, ...
Gen Tech Rep, 2012
Evaluating natural selection as a management strategy for restoring whitebark pine
ST McKinney
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Articles 1–20