Kaile Su
Kaile Su
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Local search with edge weighting and configuration checking heuristics for minimum vertex cover
S Cai, K Su, A Sattar
Artificial Intelligence 175 (9-10), 1672-1696, 2011
NuMVC: An efficient local search algorithm for minimum vertex cover
S Cai, K Su, C Luo, A Sattar
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 46, 687-716, 2013
Symbolic model checking the knowledge of the dining cryptographers
R Van der Meyden, K Suf
Proceedings. 17th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, 2004., 280-291, 2004
Local search for boolean satisfiability with configuration checking and subscore
S Cai, K Su
Artificial Intelligence 204, 75-98, 2013
Intelligent student profiling with fuzzy models
D Xu, H Wang, K Su
Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii international conference on system …, 2002
CCLS: an efficient local search algorithm for weighted maximum satisfiability
C Luo, S Cai, W Wu, Z Jie, K Su
IEEE Transactions on Computers 64 (7), 1830-1843, 2014
Configuration checking with aspiration in local search for SAT
S Cai, K Su
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 26 (1), 434-440, 2012
CCEHC: An efficient local search algorithm for weighted partial maximum satisfiability
C Luo, S Cai, K Su, W Huang
Artificial Intelligence 243, 26-44, 2017
TCA: An efficient two-mode meta-heuristic algorithm for combinatorial test generation (T)
J Lin, C Luo, S Cai, K Su, D Hao, L Zhang
2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2015
Tailoring local search for partial MaxSAT
S Cai, C Luo, J Thornton, K Su
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 28 (1), 2014
Double configuration checking in stochastic local search for satisfiability
C Luo, S Cai, W Wu, K Su
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 28 (1), 2014
Within-problem Learning for Efficient Lower Bound Computation in Max-SAT Solving.
H Lin, K Su, CM Li
AAAI 8, 351-356, 2008
EWLS: A new local search for minimum vertex cover
S Cai, K Su, Q Chen
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 24 (1), 45-50, 2010
Clause states based configuration checking in local search for satisfiability
C Luo, S Cai, K Su, W Wu
IEEE transactions on Cybernetics 45 (5), 1028-1041, 2014
Model Checking Temporal Logics of Knowledge Via OBDDs1
K Su, A Sattar, X Luo
The Computer Journal 50 (4), 403-420, 2007
CCAnr: A configuration checking based local search solver for non-random satisfiability
S Cai, C Luo, K Su
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing--SAT 2015: 18th …, 2015
Exploiting Inference Rules to Compute Lower Bounds for MAX-SAT Solving.
H Lin, K Su
IJCAI 7, 2334-2339, 2007
Local search with configuration checking for SAT
S Cai, K Su
2011 IEEE 23rd international conference on tools with artificial …, 2011
A logical framework for identifying quality knowledge from different data sources
K Su, H Huang, X Wu, S Zhang
Decision Support Systems 42 (3), 1673-1683, 2006
New local search methods for partial MaxSAT
S Cai, C Luo, J Lin, K Su
Artificial Intelligence 240, 1-18, 2016
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Articles 1–20