Truc Ly Nguyen
Cited by
Cited by
MiR-21 in the cancers of the digestive system and its potential role as a diagnostic, predictive, and therapeutic biomarker
HT Nguyen, SEO Kacimi, TL Nguyen, KH Suman, R Lemus-Martin, ...
Biology 10 (5), 417, 2021
Electrochemical detection of hydrazine using poly (dopamine)-modified electrodes
JY Lee, TL Nguyen, JH Park, BK Kim
Sensors 16 (5), 647, 2016
Observing phase transition of a temperature-responsive polymer using electrochemical collisions on an ultramicroelectrode
NTT Hoang, J Lee, B Lee, HY Kim, J Lee, TL Nguyen, M Seo, SY Kim, ...
Analytical chemistry 90 (12), 7261-7266, 2018
Immune–related biomarkers shared by inflammatory bowel disease and liver cancer
TB Nguyen, DN Do, TTP Nguyen, TL Nguyen, T Nguyen-Thanh, ...
PloS One 17 (4), e0267358, 2022
Electrochemical Study of Ferrocene and Anthracene using Ultramicroelectrode in Chloroform over the Temperature Range of 25–50° C
TL Nguyen, EJ Lee, H Jeong, BK Kim
Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 38 (7), 772-776, 2017
Immunoinformatics and computational approaches driven designing a novel vaccine candidate against Powassan virus
TL Nguyen, H Kim
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 5999, 2024
Designing a multi-epitope candidate vaccine by employing immunoinformatics approaches to control African swine fever spread
TL Nguyen, J Samuel Leon Magdaleno, A Rajjak Shaikh, ...
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 41 (19), 10214-10229, 2023
Immunogenic epitope-based vaccine prediction from surface glycoprotein of MERS-CoV by deploying immunoinformatics approach
TL Nguyen, Y Lee, H Kim
International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics 28 (3), 77, 2022
Discovering peptides and computational investigations of a multiepitope vaccine target Mycobacterium tuberculosis
TL Nguyen, H Kim
Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology 9 (3), 391-405, 2024
Integrating immunoinformatics and computational epitope prediction for a vaccine candidate against respiratory syncytial virus
TL Nguyen, H Kim
Infectious Disease Modelling 9 (3), 763-774, 2024
Designing a multiepitope vaccine against eastern equine encephalitis virus: immunoinformatics and computational approaches
TL Nguyen, H Kim
ACS omega 9 (1), 1092-1105, 2023
Identification and evaluation of tumor pyroptosis-associated antigens for design a vaccine candidate against lung cancer
TL Nguyen, H Kim
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Articles 1–12