Hubert Mara
Hubert Mara
Professor für Archäoinformatik, Institute for Computational Ancient Studies,Freie Universität Berlin
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Cited by
GigaMesh and Gilgamesh: 3D Multiscale Integral Invariant Cuneiform Character Extraction
H Mara, S Krömker, S Jakob, B Breuckmann
Proceedings of the 11th International conference on Virtual Reality …, 2010
Multivariate Data Analysis Using Persistence-Based Filtering and Topological Signatures
B Rieck, H Mara, H Leitte
Visualization and Computer Graphics, IEEE Transactions on 18 (12), 2382-2391, 2012
Vectorization of 3D-Characters by Integral Invariant Filtering of high-resolution Triangular Meshes
H Mara, S Krömker
Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), 2013 12th International …, 2013
Robust 3D Reconstruction of Archaeological Pottery based on Concentric Circular Rills
M Kampel, R Sablatnig, H Mara
6th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive …, 2005
Fully automatic spatiotemporal segmentation of 3D LiDAR time series for the extraction of natural surface changes
K Anders, L Winiwarter, H Mara, R Lindenbergh, SE Vos, B Höfle
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 173, 297-308, 2021
Orientation of fragments of rotationally symmetrical 3d-shapes for archaeological documentation
H Mara, R Sablatnig
Third International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and …, 2006
High-Frequency 3D Geomorphic Observation Using Hourly Terrestrial Laser Scanning Data of a Sandy Beach
K Anders, RC Lindenbergh, SE Vos, H Mara, S De Vries, B Höfle
ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., 317-324, 2019
Insights into manufacturing techniques of archaeological pottery: Industrial X-ray computed tomography as a tool in the examination of cultural material
S Karl, D Jungblut, H Mara, G Wittum, S Krömker
Craft and science: International perspectives on archaeological ceramics 1, 2014
Character retrieval of vectorized cuneiform script
B Bogacz, M Gertz, H Mara
2015 13th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition …, 2015
Multi-Scale Integral Invariants for Robust Character Extraction from Irregular Polygon Mesh Data
H Mara
IWR - Universität Heidelberg, 2012
Ancient Coins & Ceramics – 3D and 2D Documentation for Preservation and Retrieval of Lost Heritage
H Mara, M Kampel, F Niccolucci, R Sablatnig
Proceedings of the 2nd ISPRS International Workshop 3D-ARCH 2007: “3D …, 2007
Segmentation Free Spotting of Cuneiform using Part Structured Models
B Bogacz, N Howe, H Mara
Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), 2016 15th International …, 2016
Unwrapping Highly-Detailed 3D Meshes of Rotationally Symmetric Man-Made Objects
B Rieck, H Mara, S Krömker
ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., II-5/W1, 259-264, 2013
Metadata schema and ontology for capturing and processing of 3D cultural heritage objects
T Homburg, A Cramer, L Raddatz, H Mara
Heritage Science 9 (1), 91, 2021
Cuneiform Character Similarity Using Graph Representations
B Bogacz, M Gertz, H Mara
20th Computer Vision Winter Workshop (CVWW'15), 2015
Digital assyriology—advances in visual cuneiform analysis
B Bogacz, H Mara
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH) 15 (2), 1-22, 2022
Acquisition and documentation of vessels using high-resolution 3D-scanners
H Mara, J Portl
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (VÖAW), 2013
GPU based optical character transcription for ancient inscription recognition
H Mara, J Hering, S Kromker
2009 15th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, 154-159, 2009
Period classification of 3D cuneiform tablets with geometric neural networks
B Bogacz, H Mara
2020 17th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition …, 2020
A comparison of manual, semiautomatic and automatic profile generation for archaeological fragments
H Mara, R Sablatnig
Proceedings of the 10th Computer Vision Winter Workshop, 123-134, 2005
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Articles 1–20