Patricia Navas Macho
Patricia Navas Macho
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The concept of quality of life and its role in enhancing human rights in the field of intellectual disability
MA Verdugo, P Navas, LE Gómez, RL Schalock
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 56 (11), 1036-1045, 2012
Measuring quality of life in people with intellectual and multiple disabilities: Validation of the San Martín scale
MA Verdugo, LE Gómez, B Arias, P Navas, RL Schalock
Research in developmental disabilities 35 (1), 75-86, 2014
Supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic from their own perspective
P Navas, AM Amor, M Crespo, Z Wolowiec, MÁ Verdugo
Research in Developmental Disabilities 108, 103813, 2021
Diagnóstico y clasificación en discapacidad intelectual Diagnosis and classification on intellectual disability
P Navas, MA Verdugo, LE Gómez
Intervención Psicosocial 18 (17), 2, 2008
Evaluación de la calidad de vida en personas mayores y con discapacidad: la Escala FUMAT
LE Gómez, V MA, B Arias, P Navas
Psychosocial intervention 17 (2), 189-199, 2008
Factor structure of the construct of adaptive behavior in children with and without intellectual disability
B Arias, MA Verdugo, P Navas, LE Gomez
International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology 13 (2), 155-166, 2013
Derechos de las personas con discapacidad intelectual: Implicaciones de la Convención de Naciones Unidas
P Navas Macho, LE Gómez Sánchez, MÁ Verdugo Alonso, RL Schalock
Siglo Cero: Revista Española sobre Discapacidad Intelectual, 2012
La regulación de la inclusión educativa del alumnado con discapacidad intelectual: una reforma pendiente
MÁV Alonso, AMA GONZáLEZ, MF SáNCHEZ, PN Macho, IC Álvarez
Siglo Cero 49 (2), 27-58, 2018
The Development and Use of Provider Profiles at the Organizational and Systems Level
LE Gómez, MÁ Verdugo, B Arias, P Navas, RL Schalock
Evaluation and Program Planning 40, 17-26, 2013
Perceptions of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities about COVID‐19 in Spain: a cross‐sectional study
AM Amor, P Navas, MÁ Verdugo, M Crespo
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 65 (5), 381-396, 2021
Preparing tomorrow's doctors to care for patients with autism spectrum disorder
SM Havercamp, K Ratliff-Schaub, PN Macho, CN Johnson, KL Bush, ...
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 54 (3), 202-216, 2016
Developing behavioural indicators for intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviour for ICD‐11 disorders of intellectual development
MJ Tassé, G Balboni, P Navas, R Luckasson, MA Nygren, C Belacchi, ...
Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 63 (5), 386-407, 2019
Envejecimiento activo y discapacidad intelectual
P Navas, S Ulhmann, A Berástegui
Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 2014
Development and standardization of the diagnostic adaptive behavior scale: Application of item response theory to the assessment of adaptive behavior
MJ Tassé, RL Schalock, D Thissen, G Balboni, H Bersani Jr, ...
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 121 (2), 79-94, 2016
An outcomes-based assessment of quality of life in social services
LE Gomez, B Arias, MA Verdugo, P Navas
Social Indicators Research 106 (1), 81-93, 2012
La conducta adaptativa en personas con discapacidad intelectual
PN Macho, MÁV Alonso, BA Martínez, LEG Sánchez
Siglo Cero: Revista Española sobre Discapacidad Intelectual 41 (235), 28-48, 2010
Derechos y calidad de vida en personas con discapacidad intelectual y mayores necesidades de apoyo
P Navas, MA Verdugo, S Martínez, F Sainz, A Aza
Siglo Cero 48 (4), 7-66, 2017
Psychoeducational assessment of students with intellectual disability: Professional-action framework analysis
AM Amor González, MÁ Verdugo Alonso, MI Calvo Álvarez, ...
Psicothema, 2018
Psychiatric conditions prevalent among adults with Down syndrome
MJ Tassé, P Navas Macho, SM Havercamp, BA Benson, DC Allain, ...
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities 13 (2), 173-180, 2016
The mental health and well‐being of adults with intellectual disability during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A narrative review
Y Lunsky, A Jahoda, P Navas, S Campanella, SM Havercamp
Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 2022
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Articles 1–20