FJ Adam Lewis
FJ Adam Lewis
Senior Scientist and President, Ecofish Research Ltd.
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Assessment Methods for Aquatic Habitat and Instream Flow Characteristics in Support of Applications to Dam, Divert Or Extract Water from Streams in British Columbia: Final Version
A Lewis, T Hatfield, B Chilibeck, C Roberts
Ministry of Water, Land & Air Protection, 2004
Life history and age at maturity of an anadromous smelt, the eulachon Thaleichthys pacificus (Richardson)
AD Clarke, A Lewis, KH Telmer, JM Shrimpton
Journal of Fish Biology 71 (5), 1479-1493, 2007
Rock-weir fishway I: flow regimes and hydraulic characteristics
ABM Baki, DZ Zhu, A Harwood, A Lewis, K Healey
Journal of Ecohydraulics 2 (2), 122-141, 2017
Development of instream flow thresholds as guidelines for reviewing proposed water uses
T Hatfield, A Lewis, D Ohlson, M Bradford
British Columbia Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, 2003
Long-term aquatic monitoring protocols for new and upgraded hydroelectric projects
FJA Lewis, AJ Harwood, C Zyla, KD Ganshorn, T Hatfield
DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document 166, 2013, 2012
Rock-weir fishway II: design evaluation and considerations
ABM Baki, DZ Zhu, A Harwood, A Lewis, K Healey
Journal of Ecohydraulics 2 (2), 142-152, 2017
Guidelines for the collection and analysis of fish and fish habitat data for the purpose of assessing impacts from small hydropower projects in British Columbia
T Hatfield, A Lewis, S Babakaiff
Prepared by Solander Ecological Research Ltd. and Ecofish Research Ltd. for …, 2007
Alcan's Kemano River Eulachon (Thaleichthys Pacificus) Monitoring Program 1988-1998
A Lewis, MD McGurk, MG Galesloot
Ecofish Research Limited, 2002
Hydraulic design aspects of rock-weir fishways with notch for habitat connectivity
ABM Baki, DZ Zhu, A Harwood, A Lewis, K Healey
Journal of Ecohydraulics 5 (1), 94-109, 2020
Rationale for multiple British Columbia instream flow standards to maintain ecosystem function and biodiversity
R Ptolemy, A Lewis
Draft for Agency Review. Prepared for Ministry of Water, Land and Air …, 2002
Lower Fraser River juvenile fish habitat suitability criteria
LL Rempel, K Healey, FJA Lewis
Ecosystem Management Branch, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2012
Literature reviews of the life history, habitat requirements, and mitigation/compensation strategies for 13 species of sport fish in the Peace and Columbia River drainages of …
BS Ford, PS Higgins, AF Lewis, KL Cooper, TA Watson, GL Ennis, ...
Canadian Manuscript Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Habitat …, 1992
Literature review of habitat productivity models for Pacific salmon species
A Lewis, K Ganshorn
Consultant’s report prepared for the Department of Fisheries and Oceans …, 2007
Surprising salmonid response to water diversion at four run-of-river hydroelectric projects in British Columbia
MD Hocking, SG Faulkner, K Akaoka, A Harwood, T Hatfield, FJA Lewis
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 78 (10), 1383-1396, 2021
Skeena eulachon study 1997
AFJ Lewis
Report prepared by Triton Environmental Consultants Ltd. Terrace, BC, and …, 1997
Zymoetz River steelhead: Summary of current data and status review, 1997
AFJ Lewis, S Buchanan
Skeena Fisheries Report SK-102. MELP, Skeena Region. Smithers, BC, 1998
Effectiveness of water release as mitigation for hydroelectric impacts to fish
AF Lewis, A Clyde Mitchell
Journal of energy engineering 121 (2), 81-88, 1995
The effects of breeding competition and abiotic factors on the behavior and reproductive success of female chum salmon, Oncorhynchus keta
AFJ Lewis
Simon Fraser University, 1987
Alcan’s Kemano River eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) monitoring program 1988-1998. Consultant’s report prepared by Ecofish Research Limited for Alcan Primary Metal Limited …
AFJ Lewis, MD McGurk, MG Galesloot
British Columbia, 2002
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
B Ford, P Higgins, A Lewis, K Cooper, T Watson, C Gee, G Ennis, ...
Literature Reviews of the Life History, Habitat Requirements and Mitigation …, 1995
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Articles 1–20