Qian Xiao
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Cited by
Model predictive control for dual-active-bridge converters supplying pulsed power loads in naval DC micro-grids
L Chen, S Shao, Q Xiao, L Tarisciotti, PW Wheeler, T Dragičević
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (2), 1957-1966, 2019
Model predictive control for dual active bridge in naval DC microgrids supplying pulsed power loads featuring fast transition and online transformer current minimization
Q Xiao, L Chen, H Jia, PW Wheeler, T Dragičević
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 67 (6), 5197-5203, 2019
Modulated model predictive control for modular multilevel converters with easy implementation and enhanced steady-state performance
J Wang, X Liu, Q Xiao, D Zhou, H Qiu, Y Tang
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (9), 9107-9118, 2020
An improved fault-tolerant control scheme for cascaded H-bridge STATCOM with higher attainable balanced line-to-line voltages
Q Xiao, L Chen, Y Jin, Y Mu, AF Cupertino, H Jia, Y Neyshabouri, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (4), 2784-2797, 2020
An improved grid current and DC capacitor voltage balancing method for three-terminal hybrid AC/DC microgrid
H Jia, Q Xiao, J He
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (6), 5876-5888, 2018
Review of fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control methods of the modular multilevel converter under submodule failure
Q Xiao, Y Jin, H Jia, Y Tang, AF Cupertino, Y Mu, R Teodorescu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 38 (10), 12059-12077, 2023
A novel detection and localization approach of open-circuit switch fault for the grid-connected modular multilevel converter
Y Jin, Q Xiao, H Jia, Y Ji, T Dragičević, R Teodorescu, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (1), 112-124, 2022
Modulated model predictive control for multilevel cascaded H-bridge converter-based static synchronous compensator
Q Xiao, Y Jin, H Jia, Y Mu, Y Ji, R Teodorescu, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (2), 1091-1102, 2021
A novel submodule voltage balancing scheme for modular multilevel cascade converter—Double-star chopper-cells (MMCC-DSCC) based STATCOM
Y Jin, Q Xiao, C Dong, H Jia, Y Mu, B Xie, Y Ji, SK Chaudhary, ...
Ieee Access 7, 83058-83073, 2019
Modular multilevel converter based multi-terminal hybrid AC/DC microgrid with improved energy control method
Q Xiao, Y Mu, H Jia, Y Jin, K Hou, X Yu, R Teodorescu, JM Guerrero
Applied Energy 282, 116154, 2021
Distorted stability space and instability triggering mechanism of EV aggregation delays in the secondary frequency regulation of electrical grid-electric vehicle system
C Dong, Q Xiao, M Wang, T Morstyn, MD McCulloch, H Jia
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (6), 5084-5098, 2020
A dual-layer back-stepping control method for Lyapunov stability in modular multilevel converter based STATCOM
Y Jin, Q Xiao, H Jia, Y Mu, Y Ji, R Teodorescu, T Dragičević
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (3), 2166-2179, 2021
A novel operation scheme for modular multilevel converter with enhanced ride-through capability of submodule faults
Q Xiao, J Wang, Y Jin, L Chen, H Jia, T Dragičević, R Teodorescu
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (2 …, 2020
Time-delay stability switching boundary determination for DC microgrid clusters with the distributed control framework
C Dong, Q Gao, Q Xiao, X Yu, L Pekař, H Jia
Applied Energy 228, 189-204, 2018
An enhanced data-driven model for lithium-ion battery state-of-health estimation with optimized features and prior knowledge
H Huang, J Meng, Y Wang, L Cai, J Peng, J Wu, Q Xiao, T Liu, ...
Automotive Innovation 5 (2), 134-145, 2022
基于改进的小波-BP 神经网络的风速和风电功率预测
肖迁, 李文华, 李志刚, 刘金龙, 刘会巧
电力系统保护与控制 42 (15), 80-86, 2014
STTEWS: A sequential-transformer thermal early warning system for lithium-ion battery safety
M Li, C Dong, B Xiong, Y Mu, X Yu, Q Xiao, H Jia
Applied Energy 328, 119965, 2022
郭明萱, 穆云飞, 肖迁, 贾宏杰, 余晓丹, 何伟
电力系统自动化 45 (13), 66-75, 2021
A novel sliding-discrete-control-set modulated model predictive control for modular multilevel converter
Y Jin, Q Xiao, H Jia, Y Mu, Y Ji, T Dragičević, R Teodorescu, F Blaabjerg
IEEE access 9, 10316-10327, 2021
A study on performance characterization considering six-degree-of-freedom vibration stress and aging stress for electric vehicle battery under driving conditions
W Li, Z Jiao, Q Xiao, J Meng, Y Mu, H Jia, R Teodorescu, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Access 7, 112180-112190, 2019
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