Rosario Borrelli
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Cited by
Influence of powder characteristics on formation of porosity in additive manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V components
M Iebba, A Astarita, D Mistretta, I Colonna, M Liberini, F Scherillo, ...
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 26, 4138-4147, 2017
Numerical study for the structural analysis of composite laminates subjected to low velocity impact
F Caputo, A De Luca, G Lamanna, R Borrelli, U Mercurio
Composites Part B: Engineering 67, 296-302, 2014
Thermo-structural behaviour of an UHTC made nose cap of a reentry vehicle
R Borrelli, A Riccio, D Tescione, R Gardi, G Marino
Acta Astronautica 65 (3-4), 442-456, 2009
Investigation on Electron Beam Melting: Dimensional accuracy and process repeatability
S Franchitti, R Borrelli, C Pirozzi, L Carrino, W Polini, L Sorrentino, ...
Vacuum 157, 340-348, 2018
Electron beam melting of Ti6Al4V: Role of the process parameters under the same energy density
AT Silvestri, S Foglia, R Borrelli, S Franchitti, C Pirozzi, A Astarita
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 60, 162-179, 2020
Correlation between real geometry and tensile mechanical behaviour for Ti6Al4V electron beam melted thin specimens
R Sepe, S Franchitti, R Borrelli, F Di Caprio, E Armentani, F Caputo
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 107, 102519, 2020
On the use of global–local kinematic coupling approaches for delamination growth simulation in stiffened composite panels
R Borrelli, A Riccio, A Sellitto, F Caputo, T Ludwig
Composites Science and Technology 115, 43-51, 2015
Chemical surface finishing of electron beam melted Ti6Al4V using HF-HNO3 solutions
F Scherillo, E Manco, A El Hassanin, S Franchitti, C Pirozzi, R Borrelli
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 60, 400-409, 2020
Study on the factors affecting the mechanical behavior of electron beam melted Ti6Al4V
C Pirozzi, S Franchitti, R Borrelli, F Caiazzo, V Alfieri, P Argenio
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 26, 4491-4499, 2017
Titanium lattice structures manufactured by EBM process: Effect of skin material on bending characteristics
C Bellini, R Borrelli, V Di Cocco, S Franchitti, F Iacoviello, L Sorrentino
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 260, 108180, 2022
Methodological approaches for kinematic coupling of non-matching finite element meshes
A Sellittoa, R Borrelli, F Caputo, A Riccio, F Scaramuzzino
Procedia Engineering 10, 421-426, 2011
Bending properties of titanium lattice structures produced by electron beam melting process
C Bellini, R Borrelli, V Di Cocco, S Franchitti, F Iacoviello, L Sorrentino
Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 44 (7), 1961-1970, 2021
Influence of hot isostatic pressing and surface finish on the mechanical behaviour of Ti6Al4V processed by electron beam melting
S Franchitti, C Pirozzi, R Borrelli
Fatigue & fracture of engineering materials & structures 43 (12), 2828-2841, 2020
Global-local FE Simulation of a plate LVI test
F Caputo, G Lamanna, A De Luca, R Borrelli, S Franchitti
Structural Durability & Health Monitoring 9 (3), 253, 2013
Numerical/experimental correlation of a plasma wind tunnel test on a UHTC-made nose cap of a reentry vehicle
R Borrelli, A Riccio, D Tescione, R Gardi, G Marino
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 23 (4), 309-316, 2010
Ti6Al4V parts produced by electron beam melting: analysis of dimensional accuracy and surface roughness
R Borrelli, S Franchitti, C Pirozzi, L Carrino, L Nele, W Polini, L Sorrentino, ...
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems 19 (01), 107-130, 2020
The mechanical strength of Ti-6Al-4V columns with regular octet microstructure manufactured by electron beam melting
A Ferrigno, F Di Caprio, R Borrelli, F Auricchio, A Vigliotti
Materialia 5, 100232, 2019
Experimental study on the porosity of electron beam melting-manufactured Ti6Al4V
C Pirozzi, S Franchitti, R Borrelli, G Diodati, G Vattasso
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 28, 2649-2660, 2019
Failure energy and stiffness of titanium lattice specimens produced by electron beam melting process
C Bellini, R Borrelli, V Di Cocco, S Franchitti, F Iacoviello, LP Mocanu, ...
Material Design & Processing Communications 3 (6), e268, 2021
Ti-6Al-4V octet-truss lattice structures under bending load conditions: numerical and experimental results
F Di Caprio, S Franchitti, R Borrelli, C Bellini, V Di Cocco, L Sorrentino
Metals 12 (3), 410, 2022
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Articles 1–20