Mark Tee Kit Tsun
Cited by
Cited by
An improved indoor robot human-following navigation model using depth camera, active ir marker and proximity sensors fusion
M Tee Kit Tsun, BT Lau, H Siswoyo Jo
Robotics 7 (1), 4, 2018
A human orientation tracking system using Template Matching and active Infrared marker
MTK Tsun, BT Lau, HS Jo, SL Lau
2015 International Conference on Smart Sensors and Application (ICSSA), 116-121, 2015
Exploring the performance of a sensor-fusion-based navigation system for human following companion robots
MTK Tsun, BT Lau, HS Jo
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics Research 7 (6 …, 2018
Potential of human tracking in assistive technologies for children with cognitive disabilities
MTK Tsun, LB Theng, H Siswoyo, SL Lau
Supporting the Education of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, 245-266, 2017
Robotics for assisting children with physical and cognitive disabilities
MTK Tsun, LB Theng, HS Jo, PTH Hui
Assistive Technologies for Physical and Cognitive Disabilities, 78-120, 2015
Evaluating a serious game to improve childhood cancer patients' treatment adherence
CWE Chai, BT Lau, MKT Tee, A Al Mahmud
Digital Health 8, 20552076221134457, 2022
Proposing a sensor fusion technique utilizing depth and ranging sensors for combined human following and indoor robot navigation
MTK Tsun, LB Theng, HS Jo, SL Lau
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Network, Communication …, 2016
A robotic telepresence system for full-time monitoring of children with cognitive disabilities
MTK Tsun, LB Theng, HS Jo, SL Lau
Proceedings of the international Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering …, 2015
A virtual pet serious game in motivating children with cancer in treatment and self-care: a conceptual design
WEC Carmen, BT Lau, A Al Mahmud, MTK Tsun
Malaysian Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 26 (2), 6-19, 2020
Increasing motivation for cancer treatment adherence in children through a mobile educational game: a pilot study
CCW Er, LB Theng, MTK Tsun, A Al Mahmud
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology 8 (30), e4-e4, 2022
Exploring the Possibility of Companion Robots for Injury Prevention for People with Disabilities
M Tee, K Tsun, B Lau, HS Jo
The 19th International Conference on Transformative Science & Engineering …, 2014
Preliminary results of a motion-based interactive game for supporting stroke survivor telerehabilitation
A Islam, MTK Tsun, LB Theng
2021 3rd International Conference on Computer Communication and the Internet …, 2021
A multimedia solution to motivate childhood cancer patients to keep up with cancer treatment
CWE Chai, BT Lau, AA Mahmud, MKT Tee
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia, 1-5, 2021
Integrating visual gestures for activity tracking in the injury mitigation strategy using CARMI
MTK Tsun, LB Theng, HS Jo, MLD Wong
한국재활복지공학회 학술대회 논문집, 61-62, 2016
An Exploration of Motion Tracking and Gamification in Telerehabilitation for Stroke Survivors
A Islam, JY Qi, MTK Tsun, LB Theng
2020 IEEE 8th R10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 1-6, 2020
Enhancing road safety with machine learning: Current advances and future directions in accident prediction using non-visual data
ABZ Chai, BT Lau, MKT Tee, C McCarthy
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 137, 109086, 2024
Segmentation-based angular position estimation algorithm for dynamic path planning by a person-following robot
I Asante, LB Theng, MTK Tsun, HS Jo, C McCarthy
Ieee Access 11, 41034-41053, 2023
Pathfinding decision-making using proximity sensors, depth camera and active IR marker tracking data fusion for human following companion robot
MTK Tsun, LB Theng, HS Jo
Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Information Technology …, 2017
Ecofriendly autonomous smart walker for enhanced ambulatory assistance
I Asante, LB Theng, MTK Tsun, J Chua
IEEE Potentials, 2024
Proposing a foundational IoT smart planter concept towards reducing carbon footprint in Malaysia via gamification
SP Philimon, MKT Tee, CCY Lo, DCH Ho, JZY Chieng, RMBL Soon
2022 International Conference on Computer and Drone Applications (IConDA), 34-39, 2022
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Articles 1–20