Michel Benaroch
Michel Benaroch
Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University
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A case for using real options pricing analysis to evaluate information technology project investments
M Benaroch, RJ Kauffman
Information systems research 10 (1), 70-86, 1999
Managing information technology investment risk: A real options perspective
M Benaroch
Journal of management information systems 19 (2), 43-84, 2002
Justifying electronic banking network expansion using real options analysis
M Benaroch, RJ Kauffman
MIS quarterly, 197-225, 2000
Real options in information technology risk management: An empirical validation of risk-option relationships
M Benaroch, Y Lichtenstein, K Robinson
MIS quarterly, 827-864, 2006
Operational IT Failures, IT Value-Destruction, and Board-Level IT Governance Changes
M Benaroich, A Chernobai
MIS Quarterly, 2017
Option-based risk management: A field study of sequential information technology investment decisions
M Benaroch, M Jeffery, RJ Kauffman, S Shah
Journal of Management Information Systems 24 (2), 103-140, 2007
An event study analysis of the economic impact of IT operational risk and its subcategories
J Goldstein, A Chernobai, M Benaroch
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 12 (9), 1, 2011
Supply chain coordination in buyer centric B2B electronic markets
CX Wang, M Benaroch
International Journal of Production Economics 92 (2), 113-124, 2004
Option-based management of technology investment risk
M Benaroch
IEEE Transactions on Engineering management 48 (4), 428-444, 2002
Contract Design Choices and the Balance of Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Transaction Costs in Software Development Outsourcing
M Benaroch, Y Lichtenstein, L Fink
MIS Quarterly 40 (1), 2016
Should we go our own way? Backsourcing flexibility in IT services contracts
M Benaroch, Q Dai, RJ Kauffman
Journal of Management Information Systems 26 (4), 317-358, 2010
An internal control perspective on the market value consequences of IT operational risk events
M Benaroch, A Chernobai, J Goldstein
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13 (4), 357-381, 2012
On the valuation of multistage information technology investments embedding nested real options
M Benaroch, S Shah, M Jeffery
Journal of Management Information Systems 23 (1), 239-261, 2006
Real options models for proactive uncertainty-reducing mitigations and applications in cybersecurity investment decision making
M Benaroch
Information Systems Research 29 (2), 315-340, 2018
Impact of sourcing flexibility on the outsourcing of services under demand uncertainty
M Benaroch, S Webster, B Kazaz
European Journal of Operational Research 219 (2), 272-283, 2012
Pricing e-service quality risk in financial services
M Benaroch, A Appari
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 10 (5), 534-544, 2011
Financial pricing of software development risk factors
M Benaroch, A Appari
IEEE software 27 (5), 65-73, 2010
Managing investments in information technology based on real options theory
M Benaroch
Journal of MIS 19 (2), 43-84, 2002
Controlling the complexity of investment decisions using qualitative reasoning techniques
M Benaroch, V Dhar
Decision Support Systems 15 (2), 115-131, 1995
Cybersecurity risk in IT outsourcing—Challenges and emerging realities
M Benaroch
Information systems outsourcing: The era of digital transformation, 313-334, 2020
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Articles 1–20