Sandesh Jain
Cited by
Cited by
Adaptive precoding-based detection algorithm for massive MIMO visible light communication
S Jain, R Mitra, V Bhatia
IEEE Communications Letters 22 (9), 1842-1845, 2018
Least minimum symbol error rate based post-distortion for VLC using random Fourier features
R Mitra, S Jain, V Bhatia
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (4), 830-834, 2020
A survey on reconfigurable intelligent surface for physical layer security of next-generation wireless communications
R Kaur, B Bansal, S Majhi, S Jain, C Huang, C Yuen
IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 2024
Kernel adaptive filtering based on maximum versoria criterion
S Jain, R Mitra, V Bhatia
2018 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and …, 2018
KLMS-DFE based adaptive post-distorter for visible light communication
S Jain, R Mitra, V Bhatia
Optics Communications 451, 353-360, 2019
Performance analysis of RKHS based detectors for nonlinear NLOS ultraviolet communications
V Bhatia, S Jain, K Garg, R Mitra
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (4), 3625-3639, 2021
CNN-Attention-DNN design for CFO estimation of non-pilot-assisted OFDM system
MS Chaudhari, S Majhi, S Jain
IEEE Communications Letters 27 (2), 551-555, 2022
Kernel recursive maximum versoria criterion algorithm using random Fourier features
S Jain, R Mitra, V Bhatia
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 68 (7), 2725-2729, 2021
Kernel MSER-DFE based post-distorter for VLC using random Fourier features
S Jain, R Mitra, V Bhatia
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (12), 16241-16246, 2020
Hybrid adaptive precoder and post-distorter for massive-MIMO VLC
S Jain, R Mitra, V Bhatia
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (1), 150-154, 2019
Zero-attracting kernel maximum versoria criterion algorithm for nonlinear sparse system identification
S Jain, S Majhi
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 29, 1546-1550, 2022
Multivariate-KLMS based post-distorter for nonlinear RGB-LEDs for color-shift keying VLC
S Jain, R Mitra, V Bhatia
2019 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2019
Performance analysis of random Fourier features-based unsupervised multistage-clustering for VLC
R Mitra, V Bhatia, S Jain, K Choi
IEEE Communications Letters 25 (8), 2659-2663, 2021
Kernel recursive maximum Versoria criterion based post-distorter for VLC using kernel-width sampling
S Jain, R Mitra, O Krejcar, J Nebhen, V Bhatia
IEEE Photonics Journal 14 (3), 1-12, 2022
On BER analysis of nonlinear VLC systems under ambient light and imperfect/outdated CSI
S Jain, R Mitra, V Bhatia
OSA Continuum 3 (11), 3125-3140, 2020
Performance analysis of OTFS over multipath channels for visible light communication
A Sharma, S Jain, R Mitra, V Bhatia
2020 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and …, 2021
Random Fourier features based post-distortion for massive-MIMO visible light communication
PK Anand, S Jain, R Mitra, V Bhatia
2020 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and …, 2021
Performance analysis of OTFS over mobile multipath channels for visible light communication
A Sharma, S Jain, R Mitra, V Bhatia
2020 IEEE REGION 10 CONFERENCE (TENCON), 490-495, 2020
Nonlinear receiver for diffusion-based molecular communications
MS Thakur, S Jain, S Sharma, V Bhatia
2019 IEEE 30th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile …, 2019
Channel estimator and symbol detector for OTFS systems impaired by impulsive noise
A Kumar, S Jain, S Majhi
IEEE Communications Letters, 2023
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Articles 1–20