Casper Hulshof
Cited by
Cited by
Urban myths about learning and education
P De Bruyckere, PA Kirschner, CD Hulshof
Academic Press, 2015
Towards educational data mining: Using data mining methods for automated chat analysis to understand and support inquiry learning processes
A Anjewierden, B Kolloffel, C Hulshof
International Workshop on Applying Data Mining in e-Learning (ADML 2007), 2007
Using just-in-time information to support scientific discovery learning in a computer-based simulation
CD Hulshof, T De Jong
Interactive Learning Environments 14 (1), 79-94, 2006
Technology in Education: What Teachers Should Know.
P De Bruyckere, PA Kirschner, CD Hulshof
American Educator 40 (1), 12, 2016
FILE: A tool for the study of inquiry learning
CD Hulshof, P Wilhelm, JJ Beishuizen, H van Rijn
Computers in Human Behavior 21 (6), 945-956, 2005
Log file analysis
CD Hulshof
More urban myths about learning and education: challenging eduquacks, extraordinary claims, and alternative facts
P De Bruyckere, PA Kirschner, C Hulshof
Routledge, 2019
Determinants of discovery learning in a complex simulation learning environment
T De Jong, J Beishuizen, C Hulshof, F Prins, H Van Rijn, M Van Someren, ...
Cognition, education, and communication technology, 257-283, 2014
ZAPs: Using interactive programs for learning psychology
CD Hulshof, THS Eysink, S Loyens, T de Jong
Interactive Learning Environments 13 (1-2), 39-53, 2005
Psychologists' judgements of diagnostic activities: Deviations from a theoretical model
M Groenier, JM Pieters, CD Hulshof, P Wilhelm, CLM Witteman
Clinical psychology & psychotherapy 15 (4), 256-265, 2008
Discovery of Ideas and Ideas about Discovery: The influence of prior knowledge on scientific discovery learning in computer-based simulations.
C Hulshof
If You Learn A, Will You Be Better Able to Learn B? Understanding Transfer of Learning.
P De Bruyckere, PA Kirschner, C Hulshof
American Educator 44 (1), 30, 2020
The ZAP project: designing interactive computer tools for learning psychology
C Hulshof, T Eysink, T Jong
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 43 (4), 337-351, 2006
Jongens zijn slimmer dan meisjes
P De Bruyckere, C Hulshof
En Andere Mythes Uit Het Onderwijs. Leuven: LannooCampus, 2013
Discovery of ideas and ideas about discovery
CD Hulshof
Myths about Learning
P De Bruyckere, PA Kirschner, C Hulshof
Urban Myths about Learning and Education, 17-92, 2015
Jongens zijn slimmer dan meisjes XL: 35 mythes over leren en onderwijs
P De Bruyckere, P Kirschner, C Hulshof
Lannoo Meulenhoff-Belgium, 2021
Jongens zijn slimmer dan meisjes: en andere mythes over leren en onderwijs
C Hulshof, P De Bruyckere
Lannoo Meulenhoff-Belgium, 2013
Zin en onzin van leren met ICT.
B De Vries, CD Hulshof
Pedagogische studiën 82 (2), 181-189, 2005
ZAP: interactief ervaren en ontdekken in het psychololgieonderwijs.
THS Eysink, T de Jong, CD Hulshof
Van trend naar transformatie. ICT innovaties in het hoger onderwijs., 201-215, 2005
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Articles 1–20