Liam Guilfoyle
Cited by
Cited by
Exploring the theory-practice gap in initial teacher education: moving beyond questions of relevance to issues of power and authority
O McGarr, E O’Grady, L Guilfoyle
Journal of Education for Teaching 43 (1), 48-60, 2017
The "tipping point" for educational research: The role of pre-service science teachers’ epistemic beliefs in evaluating the professional utility of educational research
L Guilfoyle, O McCormack, S Erduran
Teaching and Teacher Education 90 (April), 2020
Science and religious education teachers’ views of argumentation and its teaching
S Erduran, L Guilfoyle, W Park
Research in Science Education 52 (2), 655-673, 2022
An investigation into secondary teachers’ views of argumentation in science and religious education
L Guilfoyle, S Erduran, W Park
Journal of Beliefs & Values 42 (2), 190-204, 2020
Argumentation and interdisciplinarity: reflections from the Oxford Argumentation in Religion and Science Project
S Erduran, L Guilfoyle, W Park, J Chan, N Fancourt
Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research 1 (1), 1-10, 2019
“Biting one’s lip” and “distancing”: exploring preservice teachers’ strategies in dysfunctional professional relationships
E O' Grady, L Guilfoyle, O McGarr
Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 2018
Argumentation in religious education in England: an analysis of locally agreed syllabuses
L Chan, J., Fancourt, N., Guilfoyle
British Journal of Religious Education, 2020
Students’ argumentation in the contexts of science, religious education, and interdisciplinary science-religious education scenarios
L Guilfoyle, J Hillier, N Fancourt
Research in Science & Technological Education 41 (2), 759-776, 2023
Transforming a doctoral summer school to an online experience: A response to the COVID‐19 pandemic
A Cullinane, D McGregor, S Frodsham, J Hillier, L Guilfoyle
British Journal of Educational Technology 53 (3), 558-576, 2022
Recalibrating the evolution versus creationism debate for student learning: towards students’ evaluation of evidence in an argumentation task
L Guilfoyle, S Erduran
International Journal of Science Education 43 (18), 2974-2995, 2021
Interdisciplinary perspective-taking within argumentation: students’ strategies across science and religious education
N Fancourt, L Guilfoyle
Journal of Religious Education 70 (1), 1-23, 2022
Secondary teachers’ instructional practices on argumentation in the context of science and religious education
W Park, S Erduran, L Guilfoyle
International Journal of Science Education 44 (8), 1251-1276, 2022
The Importance of Research in Science Teacher Education
S Erduran, L Guilfoyle
Handbook of Research on Science Teacher Education, 5-15, 2022
A longitudinal study exploring the influence of epistemic beliefs on pre-service science teachers’ perceptions of education studies
L Guilfoyle
University of Limerick, 2018
Broadening STEAM education through cross-curricular collaboration: The case of argumentation in science and religious education
S Erduran, L Guilfoyle, W Park
Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Education in STEM: Changes and …, 2024
“Wishy-washy nonsense”: Student science teachers' epistemic comparisons of Educational Studies and physical sciences
L Guilfoyle, O McCormack, S Erduran
The role of research experiences in developing pre-service teachers’ epistemic beliefs
L Guilfoyle, O McCormack, S Erduran
Teaching and Teacher Education 144, 104599, 2024
Chain Reaction: The Irish Context
J O'Reilly, L Guilfoyle, L Lehane
Comparative Perspectives on Inquiry-Based Science Education, 47-69, 2019
Argumentation and religious education
J Chan, L Guilfoyle
Debates in Religious Education, 190-198, 2023
Learning to teach epistemic practices of science in secondary schools
S Erduran, L Guilfoyle
Elsevier, 2023
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Articles 1–20