Boudour AMMAR
Boudour AMMAR
Assistant Professor, National Engineering School of Sfax, University of Sfax
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Cited by
PSO-based analysis of Echo State Network parameters for time series forecasting
N Chouikhi, B Ammar, N Rokbani, AM Alimi
Applied Soft Computing 55, 211-225, 2017
Existence and uniqueness of pseudo almost-periodic solutions of recurrent neural networks with time-varying coefficients and mixed delays
B Ammar, F Chérif, AM Alimi
IEEE Transactions on neural networks and learning systems 23 (1), 109-118, 2011
Unsupervised learning in reservoir computing for eeg-based emotion recognition
R Fourati, B Ammar, J Sanchez-Medina, AM Alimi
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 13 (2), 972-984, 2020
Optimized echo state network with intrinsic plasticity for eeg-based emotion recognition
R Fourati, B Ammar, C Aouiti, J Sanchez-Medina, AM Alimi
Neural Information Processing: 24th International Conference, ICONIP 2017 …, 2017
Biped robot control using particle swarm optimization
N Rokbani, E Benbousaada, B Ammar, AM Alimi
2010 IEEE international conference on systems, man and cybernetics, 506-512, 2010
Intelligent path planning algorithm for autonomous robot based on recurrent neural networks
H Brahmi, B Ammar, AM Alimi
2013 International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport, 199-204, 2013
Single-and multi-objective particle swarm optimization of reservoir structure in echo state network
N Chouikhi, R Fdhila, B Ammar, N Rokbani, AM Alimi
2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 440-447, 2016
Bi-level multi-objective evolution of a multi-layered echo-state network autoencoder for data representations
N Chouikhi, B Ammar, A Hussain, AM Alimi
Neurocomputing 341, 195-211, 2019
Genesis of basic and multi-layer echo state network recurrent autoencoders for efficient data representations
N Chouikhi, B Ammar, AM Alimi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.08996, 2018
A hybrid approach based on particle swarm optimization for echo state network initialization
N Chouikhi, B Ammar, N Rokbani, AM Alimi, A Abraham
2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2896-2901, 2015
Temporal–spatial transformer based motor imagery classification for BCI using independent component analysis
A Hameed, R Fourati, B Ammar, A Ksibi, AS Alluhaidan, MB Ayed, ...
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 87, 105359, 2024
Machine learning with internet of things data for risk prediction: application in ESRD
Z Fki, B Ammar, MB Ayed
2018 12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2018
Learning to walk using a recurrent neural network with time delay
B Ammar, N Chouikhi, AM Alimi, F Chérif, N Rezzoug, P Gorce
Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning–ICANN 2013: 23rd …, 2013
EEG feature learning with intrinsic plasticity based deep echo state network
R Fourati, B Ammar, Y Jin, AM Alimi
2020 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2020
Learning system for mobile robot detection and tracking
S Bousnina, B Ammar, N Baklouti, AM Alimi
2012 International Conference on Communications and Information Technology …, 2012
Stability and exponential synchronization of high-order hopfield neural networks with mixed delays
H Brahmi, B Ammar, F Chérif, AM Alimi
Cybernetics and systems 48 (1), 49-69, 2017
On the dynamics of the high-order type of neural networks with time varying coefficients and mixed delay
H Brahmi, B Ammar, F Cherif, AM Alimi
2014 international joint conference on neural networks (IJCNN), 2063-2070, 2014
Towards automated optimization of residual convolutional neural networks for electrocardiogram classification
Z Fki, B Ammar, MB Ayed
Cognitive Computation 16 (3), 1334-1344, 2024
Learning system for standing human detection
B Ammar, N Rokbani, AM Alimi
2011 IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Automation …, 2011
On the weighted pseudo-almost periodic solution for BAM networks with delays
B Ammar, H Brahmi, F Chérif
Neural Processing Letters 48, 849-862, 2018
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Articles 1–20