Stefan Herle
Stefan Herle
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Cited by
S Herle, R Becker, R Wollenberg, J Blankenbach
PFG–Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation Science, 1-10, 0
Creating a spatial multi-criteria decision support system for energy related integrated environmental impact assessment
T Wanderer, S Herle
Environmental impact assessment review 52, 2-8, 2015
Geospatial IoT—The need for event-driven architectures in contemporary spatial data infrastructures
M Rieke, L Bigagli, S Herle, S Jirka, A Kotsev, T Liebig, C Malewski, ...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7 (10), 385, 2018
A scalable architecture for real-time stream processing of spatiotemporal IoT stream data—performance analysis on the example of map matching
M Laska, S Herle, R Klamma, J Blankenbach
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 7 (7), 238, 2018
Enhancing the OGC WPS interface with GeoPipes support for real-time geoprocessing
S Herle, J Blankenbach
International Journal of Digital Earth 11 (1), 48-63, 2018
Bridging GeoMQTT and REST
S Herle, R Becker, J Blankenbach
Proceedings of the Geospatial Sensor Webs Conferenc, Münster, Germany, 29-31, 2016
GeoPipes using GeoMQTT
S Herle, J Blankenbach
Geospatial Data in a Changing World, 383-398, 2016
Smart sensor-based geospatial architecture for dike monitoring
S Herle, R Becker, J Blankenbach
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 34 (1), 012014, 2016
Implementation of sensor-based dike monitoring by smart geotextiles
V Krebs, S Herle, M Schwab, T Quadflieg, T Gries, J Blankenbach, ...
SCACR2017, International Short Course on Applied Coastal Research in …, 2017
Distributed and sensor based spatial data infrastructure for dike monitoring
R Becker, S Herle, R Lehfeldt, P Fröhle, J Jensen, T Quadflieg, ...
FIG Working Week 2016, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2-6 May 2016, 2016
A GeoEvent-driven Architecture based on GeoMQTT for the Geospatial IoT
S Herlé, UDIJ Blankenbach, UDIR Bill
Automatisierte Datenaggregation zur Einbindung einer dynamischen Gebäudesimulation in ein Geoinformationssystem
S Weck-Ponten, R Becker, S Herle, J Blankenbach, J Frisch, C Treeck
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning 13 (1), 84-95, 2018
Using a web-based SDSS for siting solar power plants.
T Wanderer, S Herle
EnviroInfo, 100-108, 2013
WhizPS: An Architecture for Well-conditioned, Scalable Geoprocessing Services Based on the WPS Standard
M Laska, S Herle, J Blankenbach, E Fichter, J Frisch
Map Services and AR for Mobile PLE
M Akbari, S Herle, S Heinen
Interoperable Sensor-und Dateninfrastruktur für das Echt-zeitmonitoring von Wasserbauwerken
R Becker, S Herle, J Blankenbach
GeoSpatial IoT-the Need for an Event-Driven Spatial Data Infrastructure
M Rieke, L Bigagli, S Herle, S Jirka, A Kotsev, T Liebig, C Malewski, ...
Preprints. org, 2018
IoT and Sensor Web technologies enabling real-time monitoring of hydraulic constructions
S Herle, R Becker, J Blankenbach
WASSERWIRTSCHAFT 108 (10), 34-39, 2018
The 5th Geoinformation Science Symposium 2017 (GSS 2017)
S Herle, R Becker, J Blankenbach, S Web, C Fugazza, M Pepe, A Oggioni
8th IGRSM International Conference and Exhibition on Geospatial & Remote Sensing (IGRSM 2016)
S Herle, R Becker, J Blankenbach
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Articles 1–20