Dr Divya Meena Sundaram
Dr Divya Meena Sundaram
Assistant Professor Sr Grade 2, SCOPE
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Cited by
Land use and land cover classification with hyperspectral data: A comprehensive review of methods, challenges and future directions
MA Moharram, DM Sundaram
Neurocomputing 536, 90-113, 2023
An efficient framework for animal breeds classification using semi-supervised learning and multi-part convolutional neural network (MP-CNN)
SD Meena, L Agilandeeswari
IEEE Access 7, 151783-151802, 2019
Dimensionality reduction strategies for land use land cover classification based on airborne hyperspectral imagery: a survey
MA Moharram, DM Sundaram
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30 (3), 5580-5602, 2023
Comprehensive review on intelligent security defences in cloud: Taxonomy, security issues, ML/DL techniques, challenges and future trends
MM Belal, DM Sundaram
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 34 (10 …, 2022
Intelligent animal detection system using sparse multi discriminative-neural network (SMD-NN) to mitigate animal-vehicle collision
SD Meena, A Loganathan
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27 (31), 39619-39634, 2020
Crop yield improvement with weeds, pest and disease detection
SD Meena, M Susank, T Guttula, SH Chandana, J Sheela
Procedia Computer Science 218, 2369-2382, 2023
SWIN transformer based contrastive self-supervised learning for animal detection and classification
L Agilandeeswari, SD Meena
Multimedia Tools and Applications 82 (7), 10445-10470, 2023
Smart animal detection and counting framework for monitoring livestock in an autonomous unmanned ground vehicle using restricted supervised learning and image fusion
SD Meena, L Agilandeeswari
Neural Processing Letters 53 (2), 1253-1285, 2021
FSSCaps-DetCountNet: fuzzy soft sets and CapsNet-based detection and counting network for monitoring animals from aerial images
DM Sundaram, A Loganathan
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 14 (2), 026521-026521, 2020
Global-local attention-based butterfly vision transformer for visualization-based malware classification
MM Belal, DM Sundaram
IEEE Access, 2023
A new supervised clustering framework using multi discriminative parts and expectation–maximization approach for a fine-grained animal breed classification (SC-MPEM)
DM Sundaram, A Loganathan
Neural Processing Letters 52 (1), 727-766, 2020
Invariant features-based fuzzy inference system for animal detection and recognition using thermal images
D Meena, L Agilandeeswari
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 22 (6), 1868-1879, 2020
Data lakes-a new data repository for big data analytics workloads
SD Meena, MSV Meena
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science 7 (5), 65-66, 2016
Robust energy management technique for plug-in hybrid electric vehicle with traffic condition identification
CN Gnanaprakasam, S Meena, MN Devi, N Shanmugasundaram, ...
Applied Soft Computing 133, 109937, 2023
Advancing education through metaverse: Components, applications, challenges, case studies and open issues
SD Meena, GSS Mithesh, R Panyam, MS Chowdary, VS Sadhu, J Sheela
2023 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Smart Systems …, 2023
Spatial–spectral hyperspectral images classification based on Krill Herd band selection and edge-preserving transform domain recursive filter
MA Moharram, DM Sundaram
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 16 (4), 044508-044508, 2022
Integrated animal monitoring system with animal detection and classification capabilities: a review on image modality, techniques, applications, and challenges
N Sundaram, SD Meena
Artificial Intelligence Review 56 (Suppl 1), 1-51, 2023
Green computing turns green IT
SD Meena
International Journal 4 (2), 2016
Stacked convolutional autoencoder for detecting animal images in cluttered scenes with a novel feature extraction framework
SD Meena, L Agilandeeswari
Soft Computing for Problem Solving: SocProS 2018, Volume 2, 513-522, 2020
Adaboost cascade classifier for classification and identification of wild animals using movidius neural compute stick
SD Meena, L Agilandeeswari
Int. J. Eng. Adv. Technol 9 (13), 495-499, 2019
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Articles 1–20