Youngmi Seo
Youngmi Seo
Ph.D., LG EnSol, Ltd.
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Effect of tapering on morphology and interfacial behavior of diblock copolymers from molecular dynamics simulations
Y Seo, JR Brown, LM Hall
Macromolecules 48 (14), 4974-4982, 2015
Ion correlation effects in salt-doped block copolymers
JR Brown, Y Seo, LM Hall
Physical review letters 120 (12), 127801, 2018
Role of solvation on diffusion of ions in diblock copolymers: understanding the molecular weight effect through modeling
Y Seo, KH Shen, JR Brown, LM Hall
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (46), 18455-18466, 2019
Domain Spacing and Composition Profile Behavior in Salt-Doped Cyclic vs Linear Block Polymer Thin Films: A Joint Experimental and Simulation Study
TE Gartner III, T Kubo, Y Seo, M Tansky, LM Hall, BS Sumerlin, TH Epps III
Macromolecules 50 (18), 7169-7176, 2017
Intradomain textures in block copolymers: Multizone alignment and biaxiality
I Prasad, Y Seo, LM Hall, GM Grason
Physical Review Letters 118 (24), 247801, 2017
Effect of sequence dispersity on morphology of tapered diblock copolymers from molecular dynamics simulations
WG Levine, Y Seo, JR Brown, LM Hall
The Journal of chemical physics 145 (23), 2016
Fluids density functional theory and initializing molecular dynamics simulations of block copolymers
JR Brown, Y Seo, TAD Maula, LM Hall
The Journal of chemical physics 144 (12), 2016
Unique Phase Behavior of Inverse Tapered Block Copolymers: Self-Consistent Field Theory and Molecular Dynamics Simulations
JR Brown, Y Seo, SW Sides, LM Hall
Macromolecules 50 (14), 5619–5626, 2017
Diffusion of Selective Penetrants in Interfacially Modified Block Copolymers from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Y Seo, JR Brown, LM Hall
ACS Macro Letters 6 (4), 375-380, 2017
Rapid dye adsorption for dye-sensitized solar cells using a simple ultrasonication method
Y Seo, JH Kim
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 19 (2), 488-492, 2013
Surface potential driven dissolution phenomena of [0 0 0 1]-oriented ZnO nanorods grown from ZnO and Pt seed layers
Y Seo, JH Kim
Applied surface science 257 (17), 7659-7664, 2011
Structure and Dynamic Properties of Interfacially Modified Block Copolymers from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Y Seo
The Ohio State University, 2017
Rapid Dye Adsorption for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using a Simple
Y Seo, JH Kim
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Articles 1–13