Hitoshi Suzuki
Hitoshi Suzuki
Asia Pacific Initiative, Japan
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Cited by
Cited by
The new politics of trade: EU-Japan
H Suzuki
The EU and the New Trade Bilateralism, 108-122, 2020
Portable electronic apparatus
S Kazuta, Y Inoue, H Suzuki
US Patent App. 11/840,319, 2008
Negotiating the Japan-EC Trade Conflict: The Role and Presence of the European Commission, the Council of Ministers, and Business Groups in Europe and Japan, 1970–1982
H Suzuki
Europe in a Globalising World: Global Challenges and European Responses in …, 2014
Electronic apparatus and touch pad device
T Morohoshi, H Izawa, K Takashima, M Iwasaki, H Suzuki
US Patent App. 11/221,140, 2006
The high authority of the ECSC, the European network of trade unions and the DGB: Ideas, strategies and achievements
H Suzuki
Moving the Social 42, 63-88, 2009
Portable recording and reproducing apparatus, recording and reproducing system and recording and reproducing method
K Takashima, H Izawa, T Morohoshi, M Iwasaki, K Hoshino, H Suzuki
US Patent App. 11/241,973, 2006
The rise of summitry and EEC–Japan trade relations
H Suzuki
International Summitry and Global Governance, 152-173, 2014
Digging for European unity: the role played by the trade unions in the Schuman Plan and the European Coal and Steel Community from a German perspective, 1950-1955
H Suzuki
European University Institute, 2007
Thatcher and the Nissan Sunderland plant: The history of negotiations, 1973–1986 (Thatcher to Nissan eikoku koujyou)
H Suzuki
Tokyo: Yoshida, 2015
How British Corporate Interests and Their Views on Japan Were Transferred to Brussels. The Case of Nissan Sunderland Plant and the Single European Act
H Suzuki
Experts et expertise en science et technologie en europe des années, 75-79, 1960
Japan and the European Union
H Suzuki, Y Suzuki, Y Igawa
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, 2020
Post-Brexit Britain, the EU and Japan: The car industry, the aeronautical sector and military cooperation
H Suzuki
Europe and the World: A law review 4 (1), 2020
Japan-EEC/EU Relations, 1970-2005: Re-Emergence as Strategic Partners in Trade and Environment
H Suzuki, I Makihara
JEIH Journal of European Integration History 25 (1), 23-36, 2019
The Idea of Euratom, German Rearmament and the German Trade Unions 1950–1960
H Suzuki
EU Studies in Japan (EUSA-Japan) 28, 1950-1960, 2008
How Trade Unions Built their first European Network under the ECSC: Decartelisation Policy and Trade Unions’ Response from a German Perspective 1950-1955
H Suzuki
Proceedings of HEIRS 3rd Annual Colloquium, 23-36, 2007
Portable recording and reproducing apparatus, recording and reproducing system, and recording and reproducing method
M Iwasaki, T Morohoshi, H Izawa, K Takashima, H Suzuki
US Patent App. 11/241,923, 2006
Back to Free Trade?: The Japan-EC Trade Conflict and British
H Suzuki
Diplomacy” of, 1973
From Trade Conflicts to
H Suzuki
Global Partners”: Japan and the EEC 1978, 205-222, 1970
Japanese Investment and British Trade Unionism
H Suzuki
Springer Singapore, 2020
From backdoor-opening to concluding “real” free trade agreements?: Japan’s free trade policy towards the US, the EU and Latin American countries
H Suzuki
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Articles 1–20