José A. Alcalá
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Cited by
Stimulus control of actions and habits: A role for reinforcer predictability and attention in the development of habitual behavior.
EA Thrailkill, S Trask, P Vidal, JA Alcalá, ME Bouton
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 44 (4), 370, 2018
Reversal training facilitates acquisition of new learning in a Morris water maze
JA Alcalá, JE Callejas-Aguilera, JB Nelson, JM Rosas
Learning & behavior 48, 208-220, 2020
Attentional Perspectives on Context-dependence of Information Retrievalpp
PM Ogallar, MMR Álvarez, JA Alcalá, MMM Fernández, JM Rosas
International Journal of Psychology and Psychological Therapy 17 (1), 121-136, 2017
On the transfer of spatial learning between geometrically different shaped environments in the terrestrial toad, Rhinella arenarum
MI Sotelo, JA Alcalá, VP Bingman, RN Muzio
Animal Cognition 23 (1), 55-70, 2020
Discrimination reversal facilitates subsequent acquisition of temporal discriminations in rats’ appetitive conditioning.
JA Alcalá, JE Callejas-Aguilera, JA Lamoureux, JM Rosas
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 45 (4), 446, 2019
Temporal and spatial contiguity are necessary for competition between events.
E Herrera, JA Alcalá, T Tazumi, MG Buckley, J Prados, GP Urcelay
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 48 (3), 321, 2022
Prior extinction increases acquisition context specificity in human predictive learning
PM Ogallar, JM Rosas, MM Ramos-Álvarez, JA Alcalá, JB Nelson, ...
Behavioural processes 169, 103984, 2019
Contiguity and overshadowing interactions in the rapid-streaming procedure
JA Alcalá, RR Miller, RD Kirkden, GP Urcelay
Learning & Behavior 51 (4), 482-501, 2023
Discrimination reversal facilitates contextual conditioning in rats’ appetitive conditioning
JA Alcalá Martín, G González, JA Aristizabal, JE Callejas-Aguilera, ...
Psicológica, 2018
Temporal contiguity determines overshadowing and potentiation of human Action-Outcome performance
JA Alcalá, RD Kirkden, J Bray, J Prados, GP Urcelay
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 30, 350-361, 2023
Social overshadowing: Revisiting cue-competition in social interactions
M Telga, JA Alcalá, C Heyes, GP Urcelay
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 30 (4), 1575-1585, 2023
Renewal in a heterogeneous behavior chain: Extinction of the first response prevents renewal of a second response when it is separately extinguished and returned to the chain
M Steinfeld, JA Alcalá, EA Thrailkill, ME Bouton
Learning and Motivation 68, 101587, 2019
Experiencing extinction with a non-target cue facilitates reversal of a target conditioned inhibitor in human predictive learning
G González, JA Alcalá, JE Callejas-Aguilera, JM Rosas
Behavioural processes 166, 103898, 2019
Relapse after incentivized choice treatment in humans: A laboratory model for studying behavior change.
EA Thrailkill, JA Alcalá
Experimental and clinical psychopharmacology 30 (2), 220, 2022
Experiencing Extinction Facilitates Subsequent Acquisition of Positive, but not Negative Patterning in Human Predictive Learning
JA Alcalá, AMG Martínez, PM Ogallar, JEC Aguilera, JMR Santos
Psicológica: Revista de metodología y psicología experimental 44 (1), 2, 2023
Conditioned place avoidance in the planaria Schmidtea mediterranea: A pre-clinical invertebrate model of anxiety-related disorders
L Jordan, JA Alcalá, GP Urcelay, J Prados
Behavioural Processes 210, 104894, 2023
Reversing the relationship between a nontarget cue and the outcome facilitates subsequent human predictive learning
G González, JA Alcalá, PM Ogállar, JM Rosas, JE Callejas-Aguilera
Behavioural Processes 193, 104529, 2021
The impact of emotional valence on generalization gradients
JA Alcalá, C Martínez-Tomás, GP Urcelay, JA Hinojosa
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-10, 2024
Category relevance attenuates overshadowing in human predictive learning.
JA Alcalá, J Prados, GP Urcelay
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Learning and Cognition 49 (3), 162, 2023
Further evidence for the role of temporal contiguity as a determinant of overshadowing
JA Alcalá, PM Ogallar, J Prados, GP Urcelay
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (7), 1375-1389, 2024
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Articles 1–20