Michael Bunds
Michael Bunds
Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University
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Variable normal-fault rupture behavior, northern Lost River fault zone, Idaho, USA
CB DuRoss, MP Bunds, RD Gold, RW Briggs, NG Reitman, SF Personius, ...
Geosphere 15 (6), 1869-1892, 2019
Mineralogy, 40Ar/39Ar dating and apatite fission track dating of rocks along the Castle Mountain fault, Alaska
WT Parry, MP Bunds, RL Bruhn, CM Hall, JM Murphy
Tectonophysics 337 (3-4), 149-172, 2001
Tectonics, fluid migration, and fluid pressure in a deformed forearc basin, Cook Inlet, Alaska
RL Bruhn, WT Parry, MP Bunds
Geological Society of America Bulletin 112 (4), 550-563, 2000
Fault strength and transpressional tectonics along the Castle Mountain strike-slip fault, southern Alaska
MP Bunds
Geological Society of America Bulletin 113 (7), 908-919, 2001
Creep along the Central San Andreas Fault from surface fractures, topographic differencing, and InSAR
C Scott, M Bunds, M Shirzaei, N Toke
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (10), e2020JB019762, 2020
40Ar/39Ar dates from the Border Ranges fault system, a hydrothermally altered brittle-ductile transition strike-slip shear zone, southern Alaska
SM Roeske, LW Snee, MP Bunds
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 25 (5), A419, 1993
High-resolution topographic mapping for geologic hazard studies using low-altitude aerial photographs and structure from motion software: Methods, accuracy, and examples
MP Bunds, NA Toké, CB DuRoss, R Gold, N Reitman, K Johnson, ...
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 47 (7), 733, 2015
Paleoseismic patterns of Quaternary tectonic and magmatic surface deformation in the eastern Basin and Range, USA
TA Stahl, NA Niemi, MP Bunds, J Andreini, JD Wells
Geosphere 16 (1), 435-455, 2020
A Preliminary Look at the Geomorphic Impacts and Timing of Two Large, Drainage-Damming Landslides in the Central Wasatch, Utah
NJF Butterfield, MP Bunds, A Zanazzi, NA Toké
Arsenic and other heavy metals in the Sunkoshi and Saptakoshi Rivers, eastern Nepal
SH Emerman, RB Anderson, S Bhandari, RR Bhattarai, MA Palmer, ...
J. Nepal Geol. Soc 43, 101-114, 2011
Using lichenometry to assess long term GLOF and landslide frequency in the Nepal Himalaya
MP Bunds, SH Emerman, TN Bhattarai, RB Anderson, N Adhikari, K Karki, ...
Geologically Active: Proceedings of the 11th IAEG Congress. Auckland, New …, 2010
High resolution topography of the northern 16 km of the M6. 9 1983 Borah Peak earthquake surface rupture on the Lost River fault zone, Idaho, USA
MP Bunds, CB DuRoss, RD Gold, NG Reitman, NA Toké, RW Briggs, ...
OpenTopography,, 2019
Inferences about segmentation from recent surface breaks along the Wasatch fault revealed from Lidar, SFM, and outcrops from American Fork Canyon to Dimple Dell Regional Park, Utah
NA Toké, J Thomas, MP Bunds, M Arnoff, DM Horns, JK Carlson, ...
Geology and Resources of the Wasatch: Back to Front: Salt Lake City, Utah …, 2017
Terrace evolution and incision rates along the uppermost Langtang River, Nepal Himalaya
JK Carlson, TL Kemp, T Gautam, MP Bunds, SH Emerman
Abstracts with Programs–Geological Society of America 44 (6), 96, 2012
How similar was the 1983 Mw 6.9 Borah Peak earthquake rupture to its surface-faulting predecessors along the northern Lost River fault zone (Idaho, USA)?
CB DuRoss, RW Briggs, RD Gold, AE Hatem, AJ Elliott, J Delano, ...
Bulletin 134 (11-12), 2767-2789, 2022
Diffuse tectonic deformation in the Drum Mountains fault zone, Utah, USA: Testing the utility of legacy aerial photograph-derived topography
TA Stahl, NA Niemi, JE Delano, FD Wolfe, MP Bunds, A Howell
Frontiers in Earth Science 8, 600729, 2021
Vertical Accuracy of Digital Elevation Models from Three UAS Platforms and Georeferencing Methods
M Keck, J Saldivar, S Smith, L Woolstenhulme, J Phillips, M Ranney, ...
New Orleans, LA: American Association of Geographers, 2018
Water balance of glacial lakes in Langtang Valley, Nepal Himalaya
TL Kemp, JK Carlson, T Gautam, RL Mower, SH Emerman, MP Bunds
Abstracts with Programs–Geological Society of America 44 (6), 84, 2012
Imbricated Beachrock Deposits Adjacent to the Java Trench, Indonesia: Influence of Tsunami and Storm Waves
RA Harris, W Meservy, H Sulaeman, M Bunds, J Andreini, B Sharp, ...
High Resolution Topography of the Central San Andreas Fault at Dry Lake Valley, California, USA
M Bunds, C Scott, NA Toké, J Saldivar, L Woolstenhulme, J Phillips, ...
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Articles 1–20