Håkan Hallberg
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Approaches to Modeling of Recrystallization
H Hallberg
Metals 1 (1), 16-48, 2011
Simulation of discontinuous dynamic recrystallization in pure Cu using a probabilistic cellular automaton
H Hallberg, M Wallin, M Ristinmaa
Computational Materials Science 49 (1), 25-34, 2010
A constitutive model for the formation of martensite in austenitic steels under large strain plasticity
H Hallberg, P Håkansson, M Ristinmaa
International journal of plasticity 23 (7), 1213-1239, 2007
Modeling of continuous dynamic recrystallization in commercial-purity aluminum
H Hallberg, M Wallin, M Ristinmaa
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (4-5), 1126-1134, 2010
A modified level set approach to 2D modeling of dynamic recrystallization
H Hallberg
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 21 (8), 085012, 2013
Influence of process parameters on grain refinement in AA1050 aluminum during cold rolling
H Hallberg
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 66, 260-272, 2013
Crystal plasticity modeling of microstructure influence on fatigue crack initiation in extruded Al6082-T6 with surface irregularities
H Hallberg, SK Ås, B Skallerud
International Journal of Fatigue 111, 16-32, 2018
Influence of anisotropic grain boundary properties on the evolution of grain boundary character distribution during grain growth—a 2D level set study
H Hallberg
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22 (8), 085005, 2014
Modeling of grain growth under fully anisotropic grain boundary energy
VVB Håkan Hallberg
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 27 (4), 045002, 2019
Prediction of the residual state in 304 austenitic steel after laser shock peening–Effects of plastic deformation and martensitic phase transformation
M Halilovič, S Issa, M Wallin, H Hallberg, M Ristinmaa
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 111, 24-34, 2016
Microstructure evolution during dynamic discontinuous recrystallization in particle-containing Cu
H Hallberg, B Svendsen, T Kayser, M Ristinmaa
Computational Materials Science 84, 327-338, 2014
Coupled diffusion-deformation multiphase field model for elastoplastic materials applied to the growth of Cu 6 Sn 5
J Hektor, M Ristinmaa, H Hallberg, SA Hall, S Iyengar
Acta Materialia 108, 98-109, 2016
A combined crystal plasticity and graph-based vertex model of dynamic recrystallization at large deformations
Y Mellbin, H Hallberg, M Ristinmaa
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 23 (4), 045011, 2015
Crack tip transformation zones in austenitic stainless steel
H Hallberg, L Banks-Sills, M Ristinmaa
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 79, 266-280, 2012
Recrystallization and texture evolution during hot rolling of copper, studied by a multiscale model combining crystal plasticity and vertex models
Y Mellbin, H Hallberg, M Ristinmaa
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 24 (7), 075004, 2016
Transient nucleation in selective laser melting of Zr-based bulk metallic glass
A Ericsson, V Pacheco, M Sahlberg, J Lindwall, H Hallberg, M Fisk
Materials & Design 195, 108958, 2020
Microstructure evolution influenced by dislocation density gradients modeled in a reaction–diffusion system
H Hallberg, M Ristinmaa
Computational Materials Science 67, 373-383, 2013
Thermo-mechanically coupled model of diffusionless phase transformation in austenitic steel
H Hallberg, P Håkansson, M Ristinmaa
International Journal of Solids and Structures 47 (11-12), 1580-1591, 2010
Model describing material-dependent deformation behavior in high-velocity metal forming processes
H Hallberg, K Ryttberg, M Ristinmaa
Journal of engineering mechanics 135 (4), 345-357, 2009
Differences in phase transformation in laser peened and shot peened 304 austenitic steel
B Starman, H Hallberg, M Wallin, M Ristinmaa, M Halilovič
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 176, 105535, 2020
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Articles 1–20