Chun Zhu
Chun Zhu
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Investigating toppling failure mechanism of anti-dip layered slope due to excavation by physical modelling
C Zhu, M He, M Karakus, X Cui, Z Tao
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 53, 5029-5050, 2020
A physical modeling-based study on the control mechanisms of Negative Poisson's ratio anchor cable on the stratified toppling deformation of anti-inclined slopes
Z Tao, C Zhu, M He, M Karakus
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 138, 104632, 2021
Shear mechanical responses of sandstone exposed to high temperature under constant normal stiffness boundary conditions
Q Yin, J Wu, C Zhu, M He, Q Meng, H Jing
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 7, 1-17, 2021
Moment tensor analysis of acoustic emissions for cracking mechanisms during schist strain burst
F Ren, C Zhu, M He
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 53, 153-170, 2020
Effect of wetting and drying cycles on microstructure of rock based on SEM
X Yang, J Wang, C Zhu, M He, Y Gao
Environmental Earth Sciences 78, 1-10, 2019
Acoustic emission characteristics of creep fracture evolution in double-fracture fine sandstone under uniaxial compression
G Shi, X Yang, H Yu, C Zhu
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 210, 13-28, 2019
Numerical simulations of the failure process of anaclinal slope physical model and control mechanism of negative Poisson’s ratio cable
C Zhu, M He, M Karakus, X Zhang, Z Tao
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 80, 3365-3380, 2021
Volumetric deformation and damage evolution of Tibet interbedded skarn under multistage constant-amplitude-cyclic loading
C Zhu, M Karakus, M He, Q Meng, J Shang, Y Wang, Q Yin
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 152, 105066, 2022
Effect of rock bridge length on fracture and damage modelling in granite containing hole and fissures under cyclic uniaxial increasing-amplitude decreasing-frequency (CUIADF) loads
Y Wang, HN Yang, JQ Han, C Zhu
International Journal of Fatigue 158, 106741, 2022
A review of intelligent unmanned mining current situation and development trend
K Zhang, L Kang, X Chen, M He, C Zhu, D Li
Energies 15 (2), 513, 2022
Macro-meso failure behavior of pre-flawed hollow-cylinder granite under multi-level cyclic loads: insights from acoustic emission and post-test CT scanning
Y Wang, JQ Han, ZY Song, C Zhu
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 258, 108074, 2021
V shaped gully method for controlling rockfall on high-steep slopes in China
Z Chun, T Zhigang, Y Sen, Z Shuai
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 78, 2731-2747, 2019
Softening damage analysis of gypsum rock with water immersion time based on laboratory experiment
C Zhu, X Xu, W Liu, F Xiong, Y Lin, C Cao, X Liu
Ieee Access 7, 125575-125585, 2019
Investigating the effect of water quenching cycles on mechanical behaviors for granites after conventional triaxial compression
Q Yin, J Wu, Z Jiang, C Zhu, H Su, H Jing, X Gu
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 8 (2), 77, 2022
Macro–meso fracture and instability behaviors of hollow-cylinder granite containing fissures subjected to freeze–thaw–fatigue loads
Y Wang, Z Song, T Mao, C Zhu
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 55 (7), 4051-4071, 2022
Mechanical evolution of constant resistance and large deformation anchor cables and their application in landslide monitoring
Z Tao, Y Wang, C Zhu, H Xu, G Li, M He
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 78 (7), 4787-4803, 2019
Numerical investigation on the fatigue failure characteristics of water-bearing sandstone under cyclic loading
C Zhu, M He, B Jiang, X Qin, Q Yin, Y Zhou
Journal of Mountain Science 18 (12), 3348-3365, 2021
The role of multiple heating and water cooling cycles on physical and mechanical responses of granite rocks
Q Yin, J Wu, C Zhu, Q Wang, Q Zhang, H Jing, J Xie
Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 7 (3), 69, 2021
Characteristics and precursor of static and dynamic triggered rockburst: insight from multifractal
F Ren, C Zhu, M He, J Shang, G Feng, J Bai
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 56 (3), 1945-1967, 2023
The mechanical mechanisms of large-scale toppling failure for counter-inclined rock slopes
Z Tao, Q Geng, C Zhu, M He, H Cai, S Pang, X Meng
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 16 (3), 541-558, 2019
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Articles 1–20