Russell Molyneux
Russell Molyneux
College of Pharmacy, University of Hawaii at Hilo
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Sugar-mimic glycosidase inhibitors: natural occurrence, biological activity and prospects for therapeutic application
N Asano, RJ Nash, RJ Molyneux, GWJ Fleet
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 11 (8), 1645-1680, 2000
Polyhydroxylated alkaloids—natural occurrence and therapeutic applications
AA Watson, GWJ Fleet, N Asano, RJ Molyneux, RJ Nash
Phytochemistry 56 (3), 265-295, 2001
Bioactive natural products: detection, isolation, and structural determination
SM Colegate, RJ Molyneux
CRC press, 2007
Loco Intoxication: Indolizidine Alkaloids of Spotted Locoweed (Astragalus lentiginosus)
RJ Molyneux, LF James
Science 216 (4542), 190-191, 1982
Pyrrolizidine alkaloid plants, metabolism and toxicity
BL Stegelmeier, JA Edgar, SM Colegate, DR Gardner, TK Schoch, ...
Journal of natural toxins 8 (1), 95-116, 1999
Castanospermine, a tetrahydroxylated alkaloid that inhibits β-glucosidase and β-glucocerebrosidase
R Saul, JP Chambers, RJ Molyneux, AD Elbein
Archives of biochemistry and biophysics 221 (2), 593-597, 1983
Castanospermine inhibits the processing of the oligosaccharide portion of the influenza viral hemagglutinin
YT Pan, H Hori, R Saul, BA Sanford, RJ Molyneux, AD Elbein
Biochemistry 22 (16), 3975-3984, 1983
Phytochemicals: the good, the bad and the ugly?
RJ Molyneux, ST Lee, DR Gardner, KE Panter, LF James
Phytochemistry 68 (22-24), 2973-2985, 2007
Australine, a novel pyrrolizidine alkaloid glucosidase inhibitor from Castanospermum australe
RJ Molyneux, M Benson, RY Wong, JE Tropea, AD Elbein
Journal of Natural Products 51 (6), 1198-1206, 1988
Honey from plants containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids: a potential threat to health
JA Edgar, E Roeder, RJ Molyneux
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 50 (10), 2719-2730, 2002
Phytochemical Inhibition of Aflatoxigenicity in Aspergillus flavus by Constituents of Walnut (Juglans regia)
N Mahoney, RJ Molyneux
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 52 (7), 1882-1889, 2004
Lentiginosine, a dihydroxyindolizidine alkaloid that inhibits amyloglucosidase
I Pastuszak, RJ Molyneux, LF James, AD Elbein
Biochemistry 29 (7), 1886-1891, 1990
Alkaloidal Components in the Poisonous Plant, Ipomoea carnea (Convolvulaceae)
M Haraguchi, SL Gorniak, K Ikeda, Y Minami, A Kato, AA Watson, ...
Journal of Agricultural and food chemistry 51 (17), 4995-5000, 2003
A Lysosomal Storage Disease Induced by Ipomoea Carnea in Goats in Mozambique
KKIM de Balogh, AP Dimande, JJ van der Lugt, RJ Molyneux, TW Naudé, ...
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 11 (3), 266-273, 1999
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids: potential role in the etiology of cancers, pulmonary hypertension, congenital anomalies, and liver disease
JA Edgar, RJ Molyneux, SM Colegate
Chemical research in toxicology 28 (1), 4-20, 2015
Current research on reducing pre‐and post‐harvest aflatoxin contamination of US almond, pistachio, and walnut
BC Campbell, RJ Molyneux, TF Schatzki
Journal of Toxicology: Toxin Reviews 22 (2-3), 225-266, 2003
The chemistry and biochemistry of simple indolizidine and related polyhydroxy alkaloids
AD Elbein, RJ Molyneux
Alkaloids: Chemical and biological perspectives 5, 1-54, 1987
Castanospermine inhibits alpha-glucosidase activities and alters glycogen distribution in animals.
R Saul, JJ Ghidoni, RJ Molyneux, AD Elbein
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 82 (1), 93-97, 1985
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in food: a spectrum of potential health consequences
JA Edgar, SM Colegate, M Boppré, RJ Molyneux
Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A 28 (3), 308-324, 2011
Chemistry of toxic range plants. Variation in pyrrolizidine alkaloid content of Senecio, Amsinckia, and Crotalaria species
AE Johnson, RJ Molyneux, GB Merrill
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 33 (1), 50-55, 1985
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Articles 1–20