Eugene McSorley
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Time course of oculomotor inhibition revealed by saccade trajectory modulation
E McSorley, P Haggard, R Walker
Journal of Neurophysiology 96 (3), 1420-1424, 2006
Visual attention and attribute attendance in multi‐attribute choice experiments
K Balcombe, I Fraser, E McSorley
Journal of Applied Econometrics 30 (3), 447-467, 2015
The control of saccade trajectories: Direction of curvature depends on prior knowledge of target location and saccade latency
R Walker, E McSorley, P Haggard
Perception & Psychophysics 68, 129-138, 2006
Distractor modulation of saccade trajectories: spatial separation and symmetry effects
E McSorley, P Haggard, R Walker
Experimental brain research 155, 320-333, 2004
Binocular coordination of the eyes during reading
SP Liversedge, K Rayner, SJ White, JM Findlay, E McSorley
Current Biology 16 (17), 1726-1729, 2006
The temporal impulse response underlying saccadic decisions
CJH Ludwig, ID Gilchrist, E McSorley, RJ Baddeley
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (43), 9907-9912, 2005
The influence of spatial frequency and contrast on saccade latencies
CJH Ludwig, ID Gilchrist, E McSorley
Vision research 44 (22), 2597-2604, 2004
Saccade target selection in visual search: Accuracy improves when more distractors are present
E McSorley, JM Findlay
Journal of Vision 3 (11), 20-20, 2003
The parallel programming of voluntary and reflexive saccades
R Walker, E McSorley
Vision research 46 (13), 2082-2093, 2006
The spatial and temporal shape of oculomotor inhibition
E McSorley, P Haggard, R Walker
Vision Research 49 (6), 608-614, 2009
Examining the relationship between visual attention and stated preferences: A discrete choice experiment using eye-tracking
K Balcombe, I Fraser, L Williams, E McSorley
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 144, 238-257, 2017
Visual search in depth
E McSorley, JM Findlay
Vision Research 41 (25-26), 3487-3496, 2001
The influence of distractors on saccade-target selection: Saccade trajectory effects
R Walker, E McSorley
Journal of Eye Movement Research 2 (3), 2008
Effects of infant cleft lip on adult gaze and perceptions of “cuteness”
R Holly, EP Christine, SY Katherine, TEE Goodacre, ML Kringelbach, ...
The Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Journal 54 (5), 562-570, 2017
Spatial and temporal aspects of oculomotor inhibition as revealed by saccade trajectories
E McSorley, P Haggard, R Walker
Vision Research 45 (19), 2492-2499, 2005
The remote distractor effect in saccade programming: channel interactions and lateral inhibition
CJH Ludwig, ID Gilchrist, E McSorley
Vision research 45 (9), 1177-1190, 2005
The development of the spatial extent of oculomotor inhibition
E McSorley, AG Cruickshank, LA Inman
Brain Research 1298, 92-98, 2009
I don’t know where to look: the impact of intolerance of uncertainty on saccades towards non-predictive emotional face distractors
J Morriss, E McSorley, CM Van Reekum
Cognition and emotion 32 (5), 953-962, 2018
The time course of implicit affective picture processing: an eye movement study.
E McSorley, CM van Reekum
Emotion 13 (4), 769, 2013
Saccadic eye movements as an index of perceptual decision-making
E McSorley, R McCloy
Experimental brain research 198, 513-520, 2009
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Articles 1–20