Matt Tranter
Cited by
Cited by
Soliton solutions to the fifth-order Korteweg–de Vries equation and their applications to surface and internal water waves
KR Khusnutdinova, YA Stepanyants, MR Tranter
Physics of Fluids 30 (2), 2018
On radiating solitary waves in bi-layers with delamination and coupled Ostrovsky equations
KR Khusnutdinova, MR Tranter
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 27 (1), 2017
Modelling of nonlinear wave scattering in a delaminated elastic bar
KR Khusnutdinova, MR Tranter
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2015
D'Alembert‐type solution of the Cauchy problem for the Boussinesq‐Klein‐Gordon equation
KR Khusnutdinova, MR Tranter
Studies in Applied Mathematics 142 (4), 551-585, 2019
Solitary wave propagation in elastic bars with multiple sections and layers
MR Tranter
Wave Motion 86, 21-31, 2019
Scattering of an Ostrovsky wave packet in a delaminated waveguide
JS Tamber, MR Tranter
Wave Motion 114, 103023, 2022
Levelling the playing field in assessment: an analysis of attainment gaps for widening participation, black and minority ethnic mathematics undergraduates before and after the …
LM Shaw, MR Tranter
Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications 40 (4), 497-505, 2021
Detecting delamination via nonlinear wave scattering in a bonded elastic bar
JS Tamber, DJ Chappell, JC Poore, MR Tranter
Nonlinear Dynamics, 1-11, 2023
Weakly-nonlinear solution of coupled Boussinesq equations and radiating solitary waves
KR Khusnutdinova, MR Tranter
Dynamical Processes in Generalized Continua and Structures, 321-343, 2019
Periodic solutions of coupled Boussinesq equations and Ostrovsky-type models free from zero-mass contradiction
KR Khusnutdinova, MR Tranter
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 32 (11), 2022
Scattering of bulk strain solitary waves in bi-layers with delamination
KR Khusnutdinova, MR Tranter
Procedia engineering 199, 1533-1538, 2017
Nonlinear longitudinal bulk strain waves in layered elastic waveguides
KR Khusnutdinova, MR Tranter
Applied Wave Mathematics II: Selected Topics in Solids, Fluids, and …, 2019
D’Alembert-type solution of the Cauchy problem for a Boussinesq-type equation with the Ostrovsky term
KR Khusnutdinova, MR Tranter
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.08150, 2018
Mathematical modelling of nonlinear waves in layered waveguides with delamination
MR Tranter
Loughborough University, 2018
284. Numerical modelling of nonlinear wave scattering in delaminated elastic waveguides
M Tranter, K Khusnutdinova
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Articles 1–15