Sara B Weinstein
Sara B Weinstein
Smithsonian Institution and University of Utah
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Independent origins of parasitism in Animalia
SB Weinstein, AM Kuris
Biology Letters 12 (7), 20160324, 2016
Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Parasite Avoidance
JC Buck, SB Weinstein, HS Young
Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2018
A landscape of disgust
SB Weinstein, JC Buck, HS Young
Science 359 (6381), 1213-1214, 2018
Microbiome stability and structure is governed by host phylogeny over diet and geography in woodrats (Neotoma spp.)
SB Weinstein, R Martínez-Mota, TE Stapleton, DM Klure, R Greenhalgh, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (47), e2108787118, 2021
Fear of feces? Tradeoffs between disease risk and foraging drive animal activity around raccoon latrines
SB Weinstein, CW Moura, JF Mendez, KD Lafferty
Oikos 127 (7), 927-934, 2018
An aquatic disease on a terrestrial salamander: individual and population level effects of the amphibian chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, on Batrachoseps …
SB Weinstein
Copeia 2009 (4), 2009
How do humans affect wildlife nematodes?
SB Weinstein, KD Lafferty
Trends in Parasitology 31 (5), 222-227, 2015
Successes and limitations of quantitative diet metabarcoding in a small, herbivorous mammal
TE Stapleton, SB Weinstein, R Greenhalgh, MD Dearing
Molecular Ecology Resources 22 (7), 2573-2586, 2022
The ecological consequences of a pandemic
JC Buck, SB Weinstein
Biology Letters 16 (11), 20200641, 2020
Detecting and quantifying parasite-induced host mortality from intensity data: method comparisons and limitations
MQ Wilber, SB Weinstein, CJ Briggs
International Journal for Parasitology 46 (1), 59-66, 2016
Metabolic enabling and detoxification by mammalian gut microbes
MD Dearing, SB Weinstein
Annual Review of Microbiology 76 (1), 579-596, 2022
Acanthocephalan Parasites of the Oarfish, Regalecus russelii (Regalecidae), With A Description of A New Species of Gymnorhadinorhynchus (Acanthocephala …
ML Steinauer, AE Garcia-Vedrenne, SB Weinstein, AM Kuris
Journal of Parasitology 105 (1), 124-132, 2019
Parasite responses to large mammal loss in an African savanna
S Weinstein, G Titcomb, B Agwanda, C Riginos, H Young
Ecology 98 (7), 1839-1848, 2017
Baylisascaris procyonis Demography and Egg Production in a California Raccoon Population
SB Weinstein
Journal of Parasitology 102 (6), 622-628, 2016
Seroprevalence of Baylisascaris procyonis infection among humans, Santa Barbara County, California, USA, 2014–2016
SB Weinstein, CM Lake, HM Chastain, D Fisk, S Handali, PL Kahn, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 23 (8), 1397, 2017
Monsters of the Sea Serpent: Parasites of an Oarfish, Regalecus russellii
AM Kuris, AG Jaramillo, JP McLaughlin, SB Weinstein, ...
The Journal of parasitology 101 (1), 41-44, 2015
Variable Infection Dynamics in Four Peromyscus Species Following Experimental Inoculation with Baylisascaris procyonis
SGH Sapp, SB Weinstein, CS McMahan, MJ Yabsley
Journal of Parasitology 102 (5), 538-544, 2016
Toxin tolerance across landscapes: Ecological exposure not a prerequisite
MD Dearing, TJ Orr, DM Klure, R Greenhalgh, SB Weinstein, TE Stapleton, ...
Functional ecology 36 (8), 2119-2131, 2022
Infection at an ecotone: cross‐system foraging increases satellite parasites but decreases core parasites in raccoons
SB Weinstein, JC Van Wert, M Kinsella, VV Tkach, KD Lafferty
Ecology 100 (9), e02808, 2019
Molecular phylogenetic analysis of Neodiplostomum and Fibricola (Digenea, Diplostomidae) does not support host-based systematics
TJ Achatz, EE Pulis, ET Woodyard, TG Rosser, JR Martens, SB Weinstein, ...
Parasitology 149 (4), 542-554, 2022
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Articles 1–20