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Cited by
A method to assess lighting quality in educational rooms using analytic hierarchy process
F Leccese, G Salvadori, M Rocca, C Buratti, E Belloni
Building and Environment 168, 106501, 2020
Passive thermal behaviour of buildings: Performance of external multi-layered walls and influence of internal walls
F Leccese, G Salvadori, F Asdrubali, P Gori
Applied Energy 225, 1078-1089, 2018
Towards a holistic approach to indoor environmental quality assessment: Weighting schemes to combine effects of multiple environmental factors
F Leccese, M Rocca, G Salvadori, E Belloni, C Buratti
Energy and Buildings 245, 111056, 2021
On the impact of safety requirements, energy prices and investment costs in street lighting refurbishment design
M Beccali, M Bonomolo, F Leccese, D Lista, G Salvadori
Energy 165, 739-759, 2018
Advancement on thermal comfort in educational buildings: Current issues and way forward
G Lamberti, G Salvadori, F Leccese, F Fantozzi, PM Bluyssen
Sustainability 13 (18), 10315, 2021
Fast estimation of Speech Transmission Index using the Reverberation Time: Comparison between predictive equations for educational rooms of different sizes
F Leccese, M Rocca, G Salvadori
Applied Acoustics 140, 143-149, 2018
Blue light hazard and risk group classification of 8 W LED tubes, replacing fluorescent tubes, through optical radiation measurements
F Leccese, V Vandelanotte, G Salvadori, M Rocca
Sustainability 7 (10), 13454-13468, 2015
Performance of an air-cooled steam condenser for a waste-to-energy plant over its whole operating range
M Pieve, G Salvadori
Energy Conversion and Management 52 (4), 1908-1913, 2011
The energy audit activity focused on the lighting systems in historical buildings
G Salvadori, F Fantozzi, M Rocca, F Leccese
Energies 9 (12), 998, 2016
Monitoring CO2 concentration to control the infection probability due to airborne transmission in naturally ventilated university classrooms
F Fantozzi, G Lamberti, F Leccese, G Salvadori
Architectural Science Review 65 (4), 306-318, 2022
Visual ergonomics of video-display-terminal workstations: field measurements of luminance for various display settings
F Leccese, G Salvadori, M Rocca
Displays 42, 9-18, 2016
Energy upgrading of residential building stock: Use of life cycle cost analysis to assess interventions on social housing in Italy
F Fantozzi, C Gargari, M Rovai, G Salvadori
Sustainability 11 (5), 1452, 2019
Critical analysis of the energy performance indicators for road lighting systems in historical towns of central Italy
F Leccese, G Salvadori, M Rocca
Energy 138, 616-628, 2017
Assessing users’ willingness-to-engagement towards Net Zero Energy communities in Italy
C Piselli, G Salvadori, L Diciotti, F Fantozzi, AL Pisello
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 152, 111627, 2021
Quality of lighting in hospital environments: a wide survey through in situ measurements
F Leccese, C Montagnani, S Iaia, M Rocca, G Salvadori
Journal of light & visual environment 40, 52-65, 2017
Thermal analysis of the building envelope of lightweight temporary housing
F Fantozzi, P Galbiati, F Leccese, G Salvadori, M Rocca
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 547 (1), 012011, 2014
Do green roofs really provide significant energy saving in a Mediterranean climate? Critical evaluation based on different case studies
F Fantozzi, C Bibbiani, C Gargari, R Rugani, G Salvadori
Frontiers of architectural research 10 (2), 447-465, 2021
Lighting assessment of ergonomic workstation for radio diagnostic reporting
F Leccese, G Salvadori, C Montagnani, A Ciconi, M Rocca
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 57, 42-54, 2017
Thermal comfort and adaptive capacities: Differences among students at various school stages
G Torriani, G Lamberti, G Salvadori, F Fantozzi, F Babich
Building and Environment 237, 110340, 2023
Lighting of indoor work places: Risk assessment procedure
F Leccese, G Salvadori, M Casini, M Bertozzi
WIT Trans. Inf. Commun. Technol 44, 89-101, 2012
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