Liyan Qu
Cited by
Cited by
Constant power control of DFIG wind turbines with supercapacitor energy storage
L Qu, W Qiao
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 47 (1), 359-367, 2010
An adaptive network-based reinforcement learning method for MPPT control of PMSG wind energy conversion systems
C Wei, Z Zhang, W Qiao, L Qu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (11), 7837-7848, 2016
Control of IPM synchronous generator for maximum wind power generation considering magnetic saturation
W Qiao, L Qu, RG Harley
IEEE Transactions on industry applications 45 (3), 1095-1105, 2009
A space-vector-modulated sensorless direct-torque control for direct-drive PMSG wind turbines
Z Zhang, Y Zhao, W Qiao, L Qu
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (4), 2331-2341, 2014
Multiobjective optimization of switched reluctance motors based on design of experiments and particle swarm optimization
C Ma, L Qu
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 30 (3), 1144-1153, 2015
An isolated multiport DC–DC converter for simultaneous power management of multiple different renewable energy sources
J Zeng, W Qiao, L Qu, Y Jiao
IEEE journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics 2 (1), 70-78, 2013
Reinforcement-learning-based intelligent maximum power point tracking control for wind energy conversion systems
C Wei, Z Zhang, W Qiao, L Qu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (10), 6360-6370, 2015
An isolated three-port bidirectional DC–DC converter for photovoltaic systems with energy storage
J Zeng, W Qiao, L Qu
IEEE transactions on industry applications 51 (4), 3493-3503, 2015
Active-disturbance-rejection-based sliding-mode current control for permanent-magnet synchronous motors
L Qu, W Qiao, L Qu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (1), 751-760, 2020
Fault prognosis and remaining useful life prediction of wind turbine gearboxes using current signal analysis
F Cheng, L Qu, W Qiao
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (1), 157-167, 2017
Real-time aging monitoring for IGBT modules using case temperature
Z Wang, B Tian, W Qiao, L Qu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (2), 1168-1178, 2015
Power electronics-enabled self-X multicell batteries: A design toward smart batteries
T Kim, W Qiao, L Qu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27 (11), 4723-4733, 2012
Enhanced particle filtering for bearing remaining useful life prediction of wind turbine drivetrain gearboxes
F Cheng, L Qu, W Qiao, L Hao
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 66 (6), 4738-4748, 2018
Rotor-current-based fault diagnosis for DFIG wind turbine drivetrain gearboxes using frequency analysis and a deep classifier
F Cheng, J Wang, L Qu, W Qiao
IEEE transactions on industry applications 54 (2), 1062-1071, 2017
An extended-state-observer-based sliding-mode speed control for permanent-magnet synchronous motors
L Qu, W Qiao, L Qu
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (2 …, 2020
An enhanced linear active disturbance rejection rotor position sensorless control for permanent magnet synchronous motors
L Qu, W Qiao, L Qu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (6), 6175-6184, 2019
Robust AC optimal power flow for power networks with wind power generation
X Bai, L Qu, W Qiao
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (5), 4163-4164, 2015
A discrete-time direct torque control for direct-drive PMSG-based wind energy conversion systems
Z Zhang, Y Zhao, W Qiao, L Qu
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (4), 3504-3514, 2015
Vibration and torque ripple reduction of switched reluctance motors through current profile optimization
C Ma, L Qu, R Mitra, P Pramod, R Islam
2016 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 3279-3285, 2016
Fault diagnosis of wind turbine gearboxes based on DFIG stator current envelope analysis
F Cheng, L Qu, W Qiao, C Wei, L Hao
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 10 (3), 1044-1053, 2018
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