Luke C Jeffrey
Luke C Jeffrey
Postdoctoral Research Fellow @ SCU Faculty of Science and Engineering
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Cited by
Are methane emissions from mangrove stems a cryptic carbon loss pathway? Insights from a catastrophic forest mortality
LC Jeffrey, G Reithmaier, JZ Sippo, SG Johnston, DR Tait, Y Harada, ...
New Phytologist 224 (1), 146-154, 2019
Wetland methane emissions dominated by plant‐mediated fluxes: Contrasting emissions pathways and seasons within a shallow freshwater subtropical wetland
LC Jeffrey, DT Maher, SG Johnston, BP Kelaher, A Steven, DR Tait
Limnology and Oceanography 64 (5), 1895-1912, 2019
Bark-dwelling methanotrophic bacteria decrease methane emissions from trees
LC Jeffrey, DT Maher, E Chiri, PM Leung, PA Nauer, SK Arndt, DR Tait, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2127, 2021
Groundwater as a source of dissolved organic matter to coastal waters: Insights from radon and CDOM observations in 12 shallow coastal systems
JR Webb, IR Santos, DT Maher, DR Tait, T Cyronak, M Sadat‐Noori, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 64 (1), 182-196, 2019
Groundwater, acid and carbon dioxide dynamics along a coastal wetland, lake and estuary continuum
LC Jeffrey, DT Maher, IR Santos, A McMahon, DR Tait
Estuaries and Coasts 39, 1325-1344, 2016
The spatial and temporal drivers of pCO2, pCH4 and gas transfer velocity within a subtropical estuary.
LC Jeffrey, DT Maher, IR Santos, M Call, MJ Reading, C Holloway, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 208, 83-95, 2018
Tree stem methane emissions from subtropical lowland forest (Melaleuca quinquenervia) regulated by local and seasonal hydrology
LC Jeffrey, DT Maher, DR Tait, S Euler, SG Johnston
Biogeochemistry 151, 273-290, 2020
Shifting nitrous oxide source/sink behaviour in a subtropical estuary revealed by automated time series observations
MJ Reading, IR Santos, DT Maher, LC Jeffrey, DR Tait
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 194, 66-76, 2017
Coastal carbon cycle changes following mangrove loss
JZ Sippo, CJ Sanders, IR Santos, LC Jeffrey, M Call, Y Harada, K Maguire, ...
Limnology and oceanography 65 (11), 2642-2656, 2020
Isotopic evidence for axial tree stem methane oxidation within subtropical lowland forests
LC Jeffrey, DT Maher, DR Tait, MJ Reading, E Chiri, C Greening, ...
New Phytologist 230 (6), 2200-2212, 2021
A small nimble in situ fine-scale flux method for measuring tree stem greenhouse gas emissions and processes (SNIFF)
LC Jeffrey, DT Maher, DR Tait, SG Johnston
Ecosystems 23 (8), 1676-1689, 2020
Land use drives nitrous oxide dynamics in estuaries on regional and global scales
MJ Reading, DR Tait, DT Maher, LC Jeffrey, A Looman, C Holloway, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 65 (8), 1903-1920, 2020
Seasonal drivers of carbon dioxide dynamics in a hydrologically modified subtropical tidal river and estuary (Caboolture River, Australia)
LC Jeffrey, IR Santos, DR Tait, U Makings, DT Maher
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123 (6), 1827-1849, 2018
Rhizosphere to the atmosphere: contrasting methane pathways, fluxes, and geochemical drivers across the terrestrial–aquatic wetland boundary
LC Jeffrey, DT Maher, SG Johnston, K Maguire, ADL Steven, DR Tait
Biogeosciences 16 (8), 1799-1815, 2019
Hydrological, geochemical and land use drivers of greenhouse gas dynamics in eleven sub-tropical streams
LF Andrews, PD Wadnerkar, SA White, X Chen, RE Correa, LC Jeffrey, ...
Aquatic sciences 83, 1-19, 2021
Shifts in methanogenic archaea communities and methane dynamics along a subtropical estuarine land use gradient
S Euler, LC Jeffrey, DT Maher, D Mackenzie, DR Tait
PLoS One 15 (11), e0242339, 2020
iAMES: An inexpensive, Automated Methane Ebullition Sensor
DT Maher, M Drexl, DR Tait, SG Johnston, LC Jeffrey
Environmental science & technology 53 (11), 6420-6426, 2019
Constraining the annual groundwater contribution to the water balance of an agricultural floodplain using radon: The importance of floods
JR Webb, IR Santos, B Robson, B Macdonald, L Jeffrey, DT Maher
Water Resources Research 53 (1), 544-562, 2017
Groundwater discharge rates and uncertainties in a coastal lagoon using a radon mass balance
KM Coluccio, IR Santos, LC Jeffrey, LK Morgan
Journal of Hydrology 598, 126436, 2021
The legacy and drivers of groundwater nutrients and pesticides in an agriculturally impacted Quaternary aquifer system
HA Shishaye, DR Tait, DT Maher, KM Befus, D Erler, L Jeffrey, ...
Science of the Total Environment 753, 142010, 2021
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Articles 1–20