Wei Xiong
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Cited by
Koopman neural operator as a mesh-free solver of non-linear partial differential equations
W Xiong, X Huang, Z Zhang, R Deng, P Sun, Y Tian
Journal of Computational Physics, 113194, 2024
Pastnet: Introducing physical inductive biases for spatio-temporal video prediction
H Wu, W Xiong, F Xu, X Luo, C Chen, XS Hua, H Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.11421, 2023
Earthfarsser: Versatile spatio-temporal dynamical systems modeling in one model
H Wu, Y Liang, W Xiong, Z Zhou, W Huang, S Wang, K Wang
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 38 (14), 15906 …, 2024
Ai-goms: Large ai-driven global ocean modeling system
W Xiong, Y Xiang, H Wu, S Zhou, Y Sun, M Ma, X Huang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.03152, 2023
Super-resolution reconstruction of a 3 arc-second global DEM dataset
B Zhang, W Xiong, M Ma, M Wang, D Wang, X Huang, L Yu, Q Zhang, ...
Science bulletin 67 (24), 2526-2530, 2022
Koopmanlab: machine learning for solving complex physics equations
W Xiong, M Ma, X Huang, Z Zhang, P Sun, Y Tian
APL Machine Learning 1 (3), 2023
MERF v3. 0, a highly computationally efficient non-hydrostatic ocean model with implicit parallelism: Algorithms and validation experiments
Q Tang, X Huang, L Lin, W Xiong, D Wang, M Wang, X Huang
Ocean Modelling 167, 101877, 2021
Neural Manifold Operators for Learning the Evolution of Physical Dynamics
H Wu, K Weng, S Zhou, X Huang, W Xiong
Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and …, 2024
Physics-guided neural operator for nonlinear geophysical fluid dynamics modeling
W Xiong, H Wu, Y Tian, X Huang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, NG42A-08, 2023
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Articles 1–9