Andres Felipe Ruiz-Olaya
Cited by
Cited by
Design and validation of a rehabilitation robotic exoskeleton for tremor assessment and suppression
E Rocon, JM Belda-Lois, AF Ruiz, M Manto, JC Moreno, JL Pons
IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 15 (3 …, 2007
Rehabilitation robotics: a wearable exo-skeleton for tremor assessment and suppression
E Rocon, AF Ruiz, JL Pons, JM Belda-Lois, JJ Sánchez-Lacuesta
Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and …, 2005
Design and implementation of an inertial measurement unit for control of artificial limbs: application on leg orthoses
JC Moreno, ER de Lima, AF Ruíz, FJ Brunetti, JL Pons
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 118 (1-2), 333-337, 2006
Exoskeletons for rehabilitation and motor control
AF Ruiz, A Forner-Cordero, E Rocon, JL Pons
The First IEEE/RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and …, 2006
Human-robot physical interaction
E Rocon, AF Ruiz, R Raya, A Schiele, JL Pons, JM Belda-Lois, R Poveda, ...
Wearable robots: Biomechatronic exoskeletons, 127-163, 2008
Upper-limb robotic rehabilitation exoskeleton: Tremor suppression
JL Pons, E Rocon, AF Ruiz, JC Moreno
Rehabilitation robotics 1, 453-470, 2007
A new platform based on IEEE802. 15.4 wireless inertial sensors for motion caption and assessment
F Brunetti, JC Moreno, AF Ruiz, E Rocon, JL Pons
2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2006
Implementación de una Red MODBUS/TCP
AFR Olaya, AB López, FGG Moreno
Ingeniería y Competitividad 6 (2), 35-44, 2004
Comparative analysis of spectral and temporal combinations in CSP-based methods for decoding hand motor imagery tasks
CF Blanco-Diaz, JM Antelis, AF Ruiz-Olaya
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 371, 109495, 2022
Deep neural network for EMG signal classification of wrist position: Preliminary results
AD Orjuela-Cañón, AF Ruíz-Olaya, L Forero
2017 IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), 1-5, 2017
On the use of an active wearable exoskeleton for tremor suppression via biomechanical loading
E Rocon, AF Ruiz, F Brunetti, JL Pons, JM Belda-Lois, ...
Proceedings 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation …, 2006
Wearable low-cost inertial sensor-based electrogoniometer for measuring joint range of motion
AF Ruiz-Olaya, M Callejas-Cuervo, CN Lara-Herrera
Dyna 84 (201), 180-185, 2017
Application of inertial sensors in rehabilitation robotics
E Rocon, JC Moreno, AF Ruiz, F Brunetti, JA Miranda, JL Pons
2007 IEEE 10th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, 145-150, 2007
Biomechanical modelling of the upper limb for robotics-based orthotic tremor suppression
E Rocon, AF Ruiz, JL Pons
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 2 (2), 81-85, 2005
Exoskeleton‐Based Robotic Platform Applied in Biomechanical Modelling of the Human Upper Limb
AF Ruiz, E Rocon, A Forner-Cordero
Applied Bionics and Biomechanics 6 (2), 205-216, 2009
Effects of the concentration level, eye fatigue and coffee consumption on the performance of a BCI system based on visual ERP-P300
CF Blanco-Díaz, CD Guerrero-Méndez, T Bastos-Filho, S Jaramillo-Isaza, ...
Journal of Neuroscience Methods 382, 109722, 2022
Coherence-based connectivity analysis of EEG and EMG signals during reach-to-grasp movement involving two weights
CD Guerrero-Mendez, AF Ruiz-Olaya
Brain-Computer Interfaces 9 (3), 140-154, 2022
Upper and lower extremity exoskeletons
AF Ruiz-Olaya, A Lopez-Delis, AF da Rocha
Handbook of biomechatronics, 283-317, 2018
Estimation of biomechanical characteristics of tremorous movements based on gyroscopes
E Rocon, JM Belda-Lois, JJ Sánchez-Lacuesta, AF Ruiz, JL Pons
Asistive Technology-from Virtuality to Reality. AAATE05. Lille, France, 2005
Sistema robótico multimodal para análisis y estudios en biomecánica, movimiento humano y control neuromotor
AFR Olaya
Madrid: Universidad Carlos III, Departamento Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automática, 2008
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Articles 1–20