Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud
Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud
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Adaptation of ADDIE instructional model in developing educational website for language learning
MTA Ghani, WAAW Daud
Global Journal Al-Thaqafah 8 (2), 7-16, 2018
The Impact of Mobile Digital Game in Learning Arabic Language at Tertiary Level.
MT Abdul Ghani, M Hamzah, WAA Wan Daud, TR Muhamad Romli
Contemporary Educational Technology 14 (1), 2022
The needs analysis of developing mobile learning application for cybergogical teaching and learning of Arabic language proficiency
W Daud, WK Teck, MTA Ghani, S Ramli
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 9 …, 2019
ARabic-Kafa: Design and development of educational material for arabic vocabulary with augmented reality technology
WAA Wan Daud, MTA Ghani, AA Rahman, MABM Yusof, AZ Amiruddin
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 17 (4), 1760-1772, 2021
The acceptance of schoology among early childhood education student at mara poly-tech college (Kptm)
W Daud, MTA Ghani
Journal of Global Business and Social Entrepreneurship (GBSE) 6, 133-142, 2017
Penerimaan pelajar kursus bahasa arab di universiti malaysia kelantan terhadap pembelajaran teradun berteraskan model penerimaan teknologi (TAM)
MTA Ghani, WAAW Daud, MN Jaffar
Asian People Journal (APJ) 2 (1), 84-94, 2019
Arabic for specific purposes in Malaysia: A literature review
MTA Ghani, WAAW Daud, S Ramli
Issues in Language Studies 8 (1), 1-14, 2019
The impact of digital game-based learning towards Arabic language communication
MTA Ghani, WAAW Daud
Jurnal Komunikasi: Malaysian Journal of Communication, 2023
M-learning boost students’ motivation in learning Arabic language proficiency for elementary level
W Daud, WK Teck, MTA Ghani, S Ramli
Universal Journal of Educational Research 8 (10), 4384-4392, 2020
The effect of active learning intervention on students’ attitudes towards English: A study at universiti teknologi petronas
LM Kamarulzaman, MTA Ghani, WAAW Daud
International Online Journal of Language, Communication, and Humanities 1 (2 …, 2018
Bahasa arab untuk pendidikan awal kanak-kanak: satu kajian analisis keperluan: Arabic for early childhood education: a need analysis study
MTA Ghani, WAAW Daud
Jurnal Pendidikan Awal Kanak-kanak Kebangsaan 7, 70-82, 2018
Gender differences in learning Arabic language proficiency via m-learning among Malaysia university students
WAA bin Wan Daud, KT Wong, MTA Ghani, SB Ramli
Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies 17 (S2), 1069-1082, 2021
Employing ADDIE instructional design model for educational digital game-based learning
MTA Ghani, WAAW Daud, MAM Yusof
Journal of Algebraic Statistics 13 (3), 5296-5306, 2022
The Impact of Mobile Digital Game in Learning Arabic Language at Tertiary Level. Contemporary Educational Technology, 14 (1)
MTA Ghani, M Hamzah, WAA Wan Daud, TR Muhamad Romli
Factors affecting Arabic learners’ interest towards blended learning: Further evidence in University Malaysia Kelantan
W Daud, MTA Ghani
Asian Journal of Social Science Research 2 (2), 1-12, 2019
Adaptation of Addie Instructional Model in Developing Educational Website for Language
MT Abdul Ghani, WAA Wan Daud
Global Journal of Al-Thafaqaf 8 (2), 7-16, 2018
A conceptual framework for mobile application in learning Arabic language proficiency
WAAW Daud, WK Teck, MTA Ghani
The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 66-70: 4, 2018
Employing websites in language learning for tourism purpose among Arabic learners at the MARA Poly-Tech College (KPTM)
MTA Ghani, WAAW Daud, MS Sahrir
Envisioning the Future of Online Learning: Selected Papers from the …, 2016
E-Mufradat: a digital game application for learning Arabic vocabulary among non-native Arabic speakers
MTA Ghani, M Hamzah, TRM Romli, MAMA Eltigani, WAAW Daud
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and …, 2019
Integration of the ARCS motivational model in digital game-based learning for sustaining student engagement in communication
MTA Ghani, WAAW Daud, KA Manan
International Journal of Religion 5 (5), 85-93, 2024
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Articles 1–20