Mohammad Atique
Mohammad Atique
Professor & Head (Computer Science & Engineering ) Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati
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Cited by
Routing protocol for delay tolerant network: A survey and comparison
RS Mangrulkar, M Atique
2010 International conference on communication control and computing …, 2010
Sentiment analysis for social media: a survey
HP Patil, M Atique
2015 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Security (ICISS …, 2015
A novel approach for feature selection method TF-IDF in document clustering
LH Patil, M Atique
2013 3rd IEEE international advance computing conference (IACC), 858-862, 2013
Signature based authentication using contrast enhanced hierarchical visual cryptography
PV Chavan, M Atique, L Malik
2014 IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer …, 2014
Comparative study of PEGASIS protocols in wireless sensor network
H Rana, S Vhatkar, M Atique
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering 16 (5), 25-30, 2014
A novel feature selection based on information gain using WordNet
LH Patil, M Atique
2013 Science and Information Conference, 625-629, 2013
Medical images: Formats, compression techniques and DICOM image retrieval a survey
AP Bhagat, M Atique
2012 International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS), 172-176, 2012
Trust based secured adhoc On demand Distance Vector Routing protocol for mobile adhoc network
RS Mangrulkar, M Atique
2010 Sixth International conference on Wireless Communication and Sensor …, 2010
Multi-lingual opinion mining for social media discourses: An approach using deep learning based hybrid fine-tuned smith algorithm with adam optimizer
AK Shahade, KH Walse, VM Thakare, M Atique
International Journal of Information Management Data Insights 3 (2), 100182, 2023
Design of hierarchical visual cryptography
PV Chavan, M Atique
2012 Nirma University International Conference on Engineering (NUiCONE), 1-3, 2012
Design issues, characteristics and challenges in routing protocols for wireless sensor networks
S Vhatkar, M Atique
International Journal of Computer Applications 975 (8887), 36-37, 2013
Comparative study of PEGASIS and PDCH protocols in wireless sensor network
J Rana, S Vhatkar, M Atique
International Journal of Computer Applications 975, 8887, 2015
Design issues and challenges in hierarchical routing protocols for wireless sensor networks
S Vhatkar, M Atique
2014 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational …, 2014
Performance analysis of equalized and double cluster head selection method in wireless sensor network
S Vhatkar, S Shaikh, M Atique
2017 Fourteenth International Conference on Wireless and Optical …, 2017
Design and development of systems for image segmentation and content based image retrieval
AP Bhagat, M Atique
2012 2nd National Conference on Computational Intelligence and Signal …, 2012
A survey: A secure routing method for detecting false reports and gray-hole attacks along with Elliptic Curve Cryptography in wireless sensor networks
SM Sakharkar, RS Mangrulkar, M Atique
2014 IEEE Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer …, 2014
A genetic-fuzzy approach for automatic text categorization
P Kumbhar, M Mali, M Atique
2017 IEEE 7th International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 572-578, 2017
Neural network approach for web usage mining
VA Zilpe, DM Atique
ETCSIT, published in IJCA, 2011
Performance evaluation and QoS analysis of EEPB and PDCH routing protocols in wireless sensor networks
S Vhatkar, J Rana, M Atique
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering 17 (5), 101-109, 2015
Web based image retrieval system using color, texture and shape analysis: comparative analysis
AP Bhagat, M Atique
International Journal of Advanced Computer Research 3 (3), 58, 2013
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Articles 1–20