Sarah Nixon
Cited by
Cited by
Investigating the relationship between student engagement and transition
D Vinson, S Nixon, B Walsh, C Walker, E Mitchell, E Zaitseva
Active learning in higher education 11 (2), 131-143, 2010
Undergraduate student expectations of university in the United Kingdom: What really matters to them?
J Money, S Nixon, F Tracy, C Hennessy, E Ball, T Dinning
Cogent Education 4 (1), 1301855, 2017
‘Giving back and getting on with my life’: peer mentoring, desistance and recovery of ex-offenders
S Nixon
Probation Journal 67 (1), 47-64, 2020
“I am wary of giving too much power to students:” Addressing the “but” in the Principle of Staff-Student Partnership
R Murphy, S Nixon, S Brooman, D Fearon
International Journal for Students as Partners 1 (1), 67-82, 2017
A community of practice in action: SEDA as a learning community for educational developers in higher education
S Nixon, S Brown
Innovations in education and teaching international 50 (4), 357-365, 2013
Inspiring to inspire: Developing teaching in higher education
L Williams, S Nixon, C Hennessy, E Mahon, G Adams
Cogent education 3 (1), 1154259, 2016
Do educational experiences in school prepare students for university? A teachers’ perspective
J Money, S Nixon, L Graham
Journal of Further and Higher Education 44 (4), 554-567, 2020
Can a blended learning approach enhance students transition into higher education? A study to explore perception, engagement and progression.
TM Dinning, CA Maghill, J Money, B Walsh, S Nixon
International Journal of Advancement in Education and Social Science 3 (2), 1-7, 2016
Clarity, consistency and communication: Using enhanced dialogue to create a course-based feedback strategy
S Nixon, S Brooman, B Murphy, D Fearon
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 42 (5), 812-822, 2017
Increasing student engagement through curriculum redesign: deconstructing the ‘Apprentice’style of delivery
S Nixon, L Williams
Innovations in Education and Teaching International 51 (1), 26-33, 2014
Co-Creating a Blended learning Curriculum in Transition to Higher Education: A Student Viewpoint.
J Money, TM Dinning, S Nixon, BA Walsh, C Magill
Creative Education 7, 1205-1213, 2016
Enhancing comprehension and retention of vocabulary concepts through small-group discussion: probing for connections among key terms.
S Nixon, J Fishback
Journal of College Science Teaching 38 (5), 2009
“I just want to give something back”: Peer work in prison
S Nixon
Prison Service Journal, 44-53, 2019
Using desistance narratives as a pedagogical resource in criminology teaching
S Nixon
Journal of Criminal Justice Education 31 (4), 471-488, 2020
Using a clean feedback model to facilitate the learning process
BA Walsh, S Nixon, C Walker, N Doyle
Creative Education 6, 953-960, 2015
Using Metaphors to Aid Student Meta-Learning: When You’re Learning at Your Best Your Like What?
S Nixon
Creative Education 4 (07), 32, 2013
Teacher immediacy: reflections on a peer review of teaching scheme
S Nixon, P Vickerman, C Maynard
Journal of Further and Higher Education 34 (4), 491-502, 2010
Student expectations: what is university really about?
J Money, F Tracy, C Hennessy, S Nixon, E Ball
Innovations in Practice 10 (2), 82-87, 2016
Surviving the landings: An autoethnographic account of being a gay female prison officer (in an adult male prison in England)
S Nixon
LBGTQ+ Crime and Victimization, 111-130, 2023
‘You can’t un-see what you’ve seen’: An ex-prison officer's autoethnographic account of suicide and self-harm in a UK male adult prison
S Nixon
Incarceration 3 (2), 26326663221104994, 2022
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