Xavier Capaldi
Xavier Capaldi
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High Osmotic Power Generation via Nanopore Arrays in Hybrid Hexagonal Boron Nitride/Silicon Nitride Membranes
K Yazda, K Bleau, Y Zhang, X Capaldi, T St-Denis, P Grutter, WW Reisner
Nano Letters 21 (10), 4152-4159, 2021
Nanopore Formation via Tip‐Controlled Local Breakdown Using an Atomic Force Microscope
Y Zhang, Y Miyahara, N Derriche, W Yang, K Yazda, X Capaldi, Z Liu, ...
Small Methods 3 (7), 1900147, 2019
Nanofluidics for Simultaneous Size and Charge Profiling of Extracellular Vesicles
II Hosseini, Z Liu, X Capaldi, T AbdelFatah, L Montermini, J Rak, ...
Nano Letters 21 (12), 4895-4902, 2021
Confinement anisotropy drives polar organization of two DNA molecules interacting in a nanoscale cavity
Z Liu, X Capaldi, L Zeng, Y Zhang, R Reyes-Lamothe, W Reisner
Nature Communications 13 (1), 4358, 2022
Probing the organization and dynamics of two DNA chains trapped in a nanofluidic cavity
X Capaldi, Z Liu, Y Zhang, L Zeng, R Reyes-Lamothe, W Reisner
Soft matter 14 (42), 8455-8465, 2018
An apparatus based on an atomic force microscope for implementing tip-controlled local breakdown
T St-Denis, K Yazda, X Capaldi, J Bustamante, M Safari, Y Miyahara, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 90 (12), 2019
Solid State Nanopores: Nanopore Formation via Tip‐Controlled Local Breakdown Using an Atomic Force Microscope (Small Methods 7/2019)
Y Zhang, Y Miyahara, N Derriche, W Yang, K Yazda, X Capaldi, Z Liu, ...
Small Methods 3 (7), 1970018, 2019
On the biomechanics of cardiac s-looping in the chick: Insights from modeling and perturbation studies
A Ramasubramanian, X Capaldi, SA Bradner, L Gangi
Journal of biomechanical engineering 141 (5), 051011, 2019
From 2D to 3D: Graphene molding for transparent and flexible probes
M Lee, TA Vuong, E Whiteway, X Capaldi, Y Zhang, W Reisner, ...
Applied Physics Letters 114 (4), 2019
Characterizing interaction of multiple nanocavity confined plasmids in presence of large DNA model nucleoid
Z Liu, SM Christensen, X Capaldi, SI Hosseini, L Zeng, Y Zhang, ...
Soft Matter 19 (34), 6545-6555, 2023
Time-dependent knotting of agitated chains
I Gendron, K Savard, X Capaldi, Z Liu, L Zeng, W Reisner, L Capaldi
Physical Review E 103 (3), 032501, 2021
Transient physics in the compression and mixing dynamics of two nanochannel-confined polymer chains
L Zeng, X Capaldi, Z Liu, WW Reisner
Physical Review E 109 (2), 024501, 2024
Tunable nanofluidic device for digital nucleic acid analysis
II Hosseini, SV Hamidi, XC Capaldi, Z Liu, MAS Pessoa, S Mahshid, ...
Nanoscale, 2024
Correction: Probing the organization and dynamics of two DNA chains trapped in a nanofluidic cavity
X Capaldi, Z Liu, Y Zhang, L Zeng, R Reyes-Lamothe, W Reisner
Soft matter 15 (42), 8639-8639, 2019
Nanofluidic Device for Active Variation of Confinement Using Pneumatically Actuated Flexible Nanoscale Membranes
X Capaldi
McGill University Canada, 2018
Atomic Force Microscopy of Poly (ethylane-oxide) Crystalization
X Capaldi
Tracing Poly (ethylene-oxide) Crystallization using Atomic Force Microscopy
X Capaldi, S Amanuel
APS March Meeting Abstracts, 2016
IR Spectroscopy of Gasses Evolved During Roasting Coffee Beans
A Clain, X Capaldi, S Amanuel
APS March Meeting Abstracts, 2014
Session Index Session Z2: Condensed-Phase Dynamics, Solvation, and Statistical Mechanics
L Zheng, C Swartz, X Wu, R Atta-Fynn, R Cabriolu, T Li, M Reis, ...
On the Biomechanics of Cardiac S-Looping in the Chick: Insights From Modeling and Perturbation Studies
X Capaldi, SA Bradner, L Gangi
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Articles 1–20