Haithem Zourrig
Haithem Zourrig
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Consumer revenge behavior: a cross-cultural perspective
H Zourrig, JC Chebat, R Toffoli
Journal of Business Research 62 (10), 995-1001, 2009
Shopping well-being: Is it just a matter of pleasure or doing the task? The role of shopper's gender and self-congruity
K El Hedhli, H Zourrig, JC Chebat
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 31, 1-13, 2016
Celebrity endorsements: Investigating the interactive effects of internalization, identification and product type on consumers’ attitudes and intentions
K El Hedhli, H Zourrig, I Becheur
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 58, 102260, 2021
Exploring cultural differences in customer forgiveness behavior
H Zourrig, JC Chebat, R Toffoli
Journal of Service Management 20 (4), 404-419, 2009
“In-group love and out-group hate?” A cross cultural study on customers' revenge, avoidance and forgiveness behaviors
H Zourrig, JC Chebat, R Toffoli
Journal of Business Research 68 (3), 487-499, 2015
Stereotyping human-like virtual influencers in retailing: Does warmth prevail over competence?
K El Hedhli, H Zourrig, A Al Khateeb, I Alnawas
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 75, 103459, 2023
Image transfer from malls to stores and its influence on shopping values and mall patronage: The role of self-congruity
K El Hedhli, H Zourrig, J Park
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 39, 208-218, 2017
Dual routes or a one-way to persuasion? The elaboration likelihood model versus the unimodel
K El Hedhli, H Zourrig
Journal of Marketing Communications 29 (5), 433-454, 2023
A cross-cultural perspective on consumer perceptions of service failures’ severity: a pilot study
H Zourrig, K Hedhli, JC Chebat
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 6 (4), 238-257, 2014
Impact of culture on dissatisfied customers: An empirical study
JC Chebat, L Kerzazi, H Zourrig
City, Culture and Society 1 (1), 37-44, 2010
The effect of cultural tightness–looseness on fraud perception in insurance services
H Zourrig, J Park, K El Hedhli, M Zhang
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 10 (2), 138-148, 2018
Waiting in a queue with strangers and acquaintances: An integrative model of customer‐to‐customer interactions effect on waiting time evaluation
H Zourrig, JC Chebat
International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences 1 (2), 145-159, 2009
Shopping well-being: the role of congruity and shoppers’ characteristics
K El Hedhli, I Becheur, H Zourrig, W Chaouali
Journal of Consumer Marketing 38 (3), 293-304, 2021
Assessing the psychometric properties of Hofstede's versus Schwartz's cultural values of Chinese customers
M Zhang, JC Chebat, H Zourrig
Journal of International Consumer Marketing 24 (5), 304-319, 2012
The effects of cultural tightness and perceived unfairness on Japanese consumers’ attitude towards insurance fraud: the mediating effect of rationalization
H Zourrig, J Park
Journal of Financial Services Marketing 24, 21-30, 2019
Consumers’ motivations and roles in rooting for or against underdog consumer
H Zourrig, K El Hedhli
International Journal of Consumer Studies 42 (1), 164-172, 2018
The influence of culture on consumer perceptions of deceptiveness
H Zourrig, M Zhang, K El Hedhli, I Becheur
Journal of Consumer Marketing 38 (5), 469-483, 2021
Customers’ coping with interpersonal conflicts in intra and inter-cultural service encounters
H Zourrig, JC Chebat, R Toffoli, A Medina-Borja
AMS review 4, 21-31, 2014
Consumption coping strategies and well‐being among refugee consumers
H Zourrig, K El Hedhli
Journal of Consumer Affairs 57 (1), 140-170, 2023
Drivers and outcomes of a shopper-retailer's app relationship
AKA Farha, K El Hedhli, I Alnawas, H Zourrig, I Becheur
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 81, 104002, 2024
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Articles 1–20