Hessel Posthuma
Hessel Posthuma
Wiskunde UvA
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A polynomial bracket for the Dubrovin-Zhang hierarchies
A Buryak, H Posthuma, S Shadrin
Journal of Differential Geometry 92 (1), 153-185, 2012
Geometry of orbit spaces of proper Lie groupoids
MJ Pflaum, H Posthuma, X Tang
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal) 2014 (694 …, 2014
On deformations of quasi-Miura transformations and the Dubrovin–Zhang bracket
A Buryak, H Posthuma, S Shadrin
Journal of Geometry and Physics 62 (7), 1639-1651, 2012
The cyclic theory of Hopf algebroids
N Kowalzig, H Posthuma
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 5 (3), 423-476, 2011
Homology of formal deformations of proper étale Lie groupoids
N Neumaier, MJ Pflaum, HB Posthuma, X Tang
Walter de Gruyter 2006 (593), 117-168, 2006
An algebraic index theorem for orbifolds
MJ Pflaum, HB Posthuma, X Tang
Advances in Mathematics 210 (1), 83-121, 2007
The localized longitudinal index theorem for Lie groupoids and the van Est map
MJ Pflaum, H Posthuma, X Tang
Advances in Mathematics 270, 223-262, 2015
The transverse index theorem for proper cocompact actions of Lie groupoids
MJ Pflaum, H Posthuma, X Tang
Journal of Differential Geometry 99 (3), 443-472, 2015
Cyclic cocycles on deformation quantizations and higher index theorems
MJ Pflaum, H Posthuma, X Tang
Advances in Mathematics 223 (6), 1958-2021, 2010
Deformations of semisimple Poisson pencils of hydrodynamic type are unobstructed
G Carlet, H Posthuma, S Shadrin
Journal of Differential Geometry 108 (1), 63-89, 2018
Frobenius manifolds, projective special geometry and Hitchin systems
C Hertling, L Hoevenaars, H Posthuma
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 2010 (649), 117-165, 2010
Bihamiltonian cohomology of KdV brackets
G Carlet, H Posthuma, S Shadrin
Communications in Mathematical Physics 341, 805-819, 2016
Orbifold cup products and ring structures on Hochschild cohomologies
MJ Pflaum, HB Posthuma, X Tang, HH Tseng
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 13 (01), 123-182, 2011
Classification of crystalline topological insulators through K-theory
L Stehouwer, J de Boer, J Kruthoff, H Posthuma
arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02592, 2018
Higher genera Catalan numbers and Hirota equations for extended nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchy
G Carlet, J Leur, H Posthuma, S Shadrin
Letters in Mathematical Physics 111 (3), 63, 2021
The index of geometric operators on Lie groupoids
MJ Pflaum, H Posthuma, X Tang
Indagationes Mathematicae 25 (5), 1135-1153, 2014
Resolutions of proper Riemannian Lie groupoids
H Posthuma, X Tang, K Wang
International Mathematics Research Notices 2021 (2), 1249-1287, 2021
The bi-Hamiltonian cohomology of a scalar Poisson pencil
G Carlet, H Posthuma, S Shadrin
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 48 (4), 617-627, 2016
Higher genera for proper actions of Lie groups
P Piazza, HB Posthuma
Annals of K-Theory 4 (3), 473-504, 2019
Orbifold cup products and ring structures on Hochschild cohomologies
MJ Pflaum, HB Posthuma, X Tang, HH Tseng
arXiv preprint arXiv:0706.0027, 2007
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Articles 1–20