Gayane Karapetyan
Gayane Karapetyan
Post-doc, Mathematics Dept., CMCC, Universidade Federal do ABC
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Cited by
Correlated measurements of secondary cosmic ray fluxes by the Aragats Space-Environmental Center monitors
A Chilingarian, K Arakelyan, K Avakyan, V Babayan, N Bostanjyan, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2005
The nuclear configurational entropy approach to dynamical QCD effects
G Karapetyan
Physics Letters B 786, 418-421, 2018
Configurational entropy and ρ and ϕ mesons production in QCD
G Karapetyan
Physics Letters B 781, 201-205, 2018
The nuclear configurational entropy impact parameter dependence in the Color-Glass Condensate
G Karapetyan
Europhysics Letters 118 (3), 38001, 2017
Fine-tuning the Color-Glass Condensate with the nuclear configurational entropy
G Karapetyan
Europhysics Letters 117 (1), 18001, 2017
Analysis of isomeric ratios in (γ, n) and (γ, p) reactions around giant-resonance energies
NA Demekhina, AS Danagulyan, GS Karapetyan
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 65, 365-370, 2002
Proton-induced fission on Am, U, and Np at intermediate energies
A Deppman, E Andrade-Ii, V Guimaraes, GS Karapetyan, AR Balabekyan, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 88 (2), 024608, 2013
Photofission of Th and U at intermediate energies
A Deppman, E Andrade-II, V Guimaraes, GS Karapetyan, NA Demekhina
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (5), 054604, 2013
Multimode approximation for 238U photofission at intermediate energies
NA Demekhina, GS Karapetyan
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 71, 27-35, 2008
Stopping muon effect and estimation of intracloud electric field
A Chilingarian, G Hovsepyan, G Karapetyan, M Zazyan
Astroparticle Physics 124, 102505, 2021
Superasymmetric fission of heavy nuclei induced by intermediate-energy protons
A Deppman, E Andrade-Ii, V Guimaraes, GS Karapetyan, OAP Tavares, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 88 (6), 064609, 2013
Multimode approach to 241Am and 237Np fission induced by 660-MeV protons
GS Karapetyan, AR Balabekyan, NA Demekhina, J Adam
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 72, 911-916, 2009
Hadron multiplicity calculation: a configurational entropy approach to the saturation scale in QCD
G Karapetyan
Europhysics Letters 129 (1), 18002, 2020
Symmetric and asymmetric fission modes in proton-induced fission at 660 MeV of 238U
AR Balabekyan, GS Karapetyan, NA Demekhina, J Adam, K Katovsky
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 73, 1814-1819, 2010
Configurational entropy of the energy-energy correlation in e+ e− annihilation processes
G Karapetyan
Europhysics Letters 125 (5), 58001, 2019
Total hadronic and photonic cross sections and the nuclear configurational entropy concept
G Karapetyan
The European Physical Journal Plus 136, 1-9, 2021
Baryon production probability via the nuclear configurational entropy
G Karapetyan
The European Physical Journal Plus 136 (1), 122, 2021
Symmetric and asymmetric modes of 232Th photofission at intermediate energies
NA Demekhina, GS Karapetyan
Physics of Atomic Nuclei 73, 24-33, 2010
Sol–gel synthesis and characterization of fine-grained ceramics in the alumina–titania system
E Otterstein, G Karapetyan, R Nicula, M Stir, C Schick, E Burkel
Thermochimica acta 468 (1-2), 10-14, 2008
Statistical methods for signal estimation of point sources of cosmic rays
A Chilingarian, G Gharagyozyan, G Hovsepyan, G Karapetyan
Astroparticle Physics 25 (4), 269-276, 2006
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Articles 1–20