Loïc Plé
Loïc Plé
Full Professor, Director of Teaching and Learning
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Cited by
Not always co‐creation: introducing interactional co‐destruction of value in service‐dominant logic
L Plé, RC Cáceres
Journal of Services Marketing, 2010
Artificial intelligence in marketing: Topic modeling, scientometric analysis, and research agenda
M Mustak, J Salminen, L Plé, J Wirtz
Journal of Business Research 124, 389-404, 2021
Studying customers’ resource integration by service employees in interactional value co-creation
L Plé
Journal of Services Marketing 30 (2), 152-164, 2016
Customer-integrated business models: a theoretical framework
L Plé, X Lecocq, J Angot
M@ n@ gement, 226-265, 2010
Why do we need research on value co-destruction?
L Plé
Journal of Creating Value 3 (2), 162-169, 2017
Serving poor people in rich countries: the bottom-of-the-pyramid business model solution
J Angot, L Plé
Journal of Business Strategy 36 (2), 3-15, 2015
A critical analysis of service ecosystems research: rethinking its premises to move forward
M Mustak, L Plé
Journal of Services Marketing 34 (3), 399-413, 2020
Social contagion of online and offline deviant behaviors and its value outcomes: The case of tourism ecosystems
L Plé, C Demangeot
Journal of Business Research 117, 886-896, 2020
Exploitation and exploration of IT in times of pandemic: from dealing with emergency to institutionalising crisis practices
A Carugati, L Mola, L Plé, M Lauwers, A Giangreco
European Journal of Information Systems 29 (6), 762-777, 2020
Emergence of value co-destruction in B2B context
I Lefebvre, L Plé
Service dominant logic, network & systems theory and service science …, 2011
Managing multichannel coordination in retail banking: the influence of customer participation
L Plé
International Journal of Bank Marketing 24 (5), 327-345, 2006
Une épistémologie à hauteur d’homme: l’anthropologie interprétative de Clifford Geertz et son apport potentiel à la recherche francophone en management 1
B Leca 2, L Plé 3
Revue management et avenir, 35-52, 2013
How does the customer fit in relational coordination? An empirical study in multichannel retail banking
L Plé
M@n@gement 16 (1), 1-30, 2013
Customers as creative resources: their influence on firm freedom
L Plé, X Lecocq
Journal of Business Strategy 36 (4), 11-22, 2015
Knowledge sharing in the age of web 2.0: A social capital perspective
F Deltour, L Plé, CS Roussel
Knowledge management 2.0: organizational models and enterprise strategies …, 2012
L'impact du client sur la coordination d'un réseau de distribution multicanal: le cas de la banque de détail
L Plé
13e conférence de l'AIMS, 2004
Le client coconcepteur, coproducteur, codistributeur...
J Angot, X Lecocq, L Plé
L’Expansion Management Review, 108-121, 2010
Intégrer les clients dans le business model
L Plé, X Lecocq
Stratégie clients-Point de vue d’experts sur filemanagement de la relation …, 2012
Business cooperatives: when does sharing become a drawback?
B Roux, L Plé
Journal of Business Strategy 38 (4), 11-20, 2017
Using machine learning to develop customer insights from user-generated content
M Mustak, H Hallikainen, T Laukkanen, L Plé, LD Hollebeek, M Aleem
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 81, 104034, 2024
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Articles 1–20