Michael McElroy
Michael McElroy
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Tropospheric chemistry: A global perspective
JA Logan, MJ Prather, SC Wofsy, MB McElroy
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 86 (C8), 7210-7254, 1981
Production of NO2- and N2O by Nitrifying Bacteria at Reduced Concentrations of Oxygen
TJ Goreau, WA Kaplan, SC Wofsy, MB McElroy, FW Valois, SW Watson
Applied and environmental microbiology 40 (3), 526-532, 1980
Reductions of Antarctic ozone due to synergistic interactions of chlorine and bromine
MB McElroy, RJ Salawitch, SC Wofsy, JA Logan
Nature 321 (6072), 759-762, 1986
Three‐dimensional climatological distribution of tropospheric OH: Update and evaluation
CM Spivakovsky, JA Logan, SA Montzka, YJ Balkanski, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 105 (D7), 8931-8980, 2000
Global potential for wind-generated electricity
X Lu, MB McElroy
Wind energy engineering, 47-61, 2023
Extreme ultraviolet observations from Voyager 1 encounter with Jupiter
AL Broadfoot, MJS Belton, PZ Takacs, BR Sandel, DE Shemansky, ...
Science 204 (4396), 979-982, 1979
Composition and structure of Mars' upper atmosphere: Results from the neutral mass spectrometers on Viking 1 and 2
AO Nier, MB McElroy
Journal of Geophysical Research 82 (28), 4341-4349, 1977
The chemistry of atmospheric bromine
SC Wofsy, MB McElroy, YL Yung
Geophysical Research Letters 2 (6), 215-218, 1975
Isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 inferred from carbon in C4 plant cellulose
BD Marino, MB McElroy
Nature 349 (6305), 127-131, 1991
Changes in atmospheric CO2: Influence of the marine biota at high latitude
F Knox, MB McElroy
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 89 (D3), 4629-4637, 1984
Quantifying the uncertainties of a bottom-up emission inventory of anthropogenic atmospheric pollutants in China
Y Zhao, CP Nielsen, Y Lei, MB McElroy, J Hao
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11 (5), 2295-2308, 2011
Chemistry of the global troposphere: Fluorocarbons as tracers of air motion
M Prather, M McElroy, S Wofsy, G Russell, D Rind
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 92 (D6), 6579-6613, 1987
Production of NO and N2O by soil nitrifying bacteria
F Lipschultz, OC Zafiriou, SC Wofsy, MB McElroy, FW Valois, SW Watson
Nature 294 (5842), 641-643, 1981
Stability of the Martian atmosphere
MB McElroy, TM Donahue
Science 177 (4053), 986-988, 1972
Mars: An evolving atmosphere
MB McElroy
Science 175 (4020), 443-445, 1972
Aquatic sources and sinks for nitrous oxide
JW Elkins, SC Wofsy, MB McElroy, CE Kolb, WA Kaplan
Nature 275 (5681), 602-606, 1978
Photochemistry and evolution of Mars' atmosphere: A Viking perspective
MB McElroy, TY Kong, YL Yung
Journal of Geophysical Research 82 (28), 4379-4388, 1977
Electron temperatures in the ionosphere
A Dalgarno, MB McElroy, RJ Moffett
Planetary and Space Science 11 (5), 463-484, 1963
Tropospheric OH in a three‐dimensional chemical tracer model: An assessment based on observations of CH3CCl3
CM Spivakovsky, R Yevich, JA Logan, SC Wofsy, MB McElroy, MJ Prather
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 95 (D11), 18441-18471, 1990
Prospective contributions of biomass pyrolysis to China’s 2050 carbon reduction and renewable energy goals
Q Yang, H Zhou, P Bartocci, F Fantozzi, O Mašek, FA Agblevor, Z Wei, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 1-12, 2021
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