William Murrah
Cited by
Cited by
Fine motor skills and early comprehension of the world: Two new school readiness indicators.
D Grissmer, KJ Grimm, SM Aiyer, WM Murrah, JS Steele
Developmental psychology 46 (5), 1008, 2010
Fine motor skills and executive function both contribute to kindergarten achievement
CE Cameron, LL Brock, WM Murrah, LH Bell, SL Worzalla, D Grissmer, ...
Child Development, 2012
How are motor skills linked to children's school performance and academic achievement?
CE Cameron, EA Cottone, WM Murrah, DW Grissmer
Child Development Perspectives, 2016
An after-school intervention targeting executive function and visuospatial skills also improves classroom behavior
L Brock, WM Murrah, EA Cottone, AJ Mashburn, W Grissmer, David
International Journal of Behavioral Development, 1-11, 2018
Words matter: Instructions dictate "self-selected" walking speed in young adults
SA Brinkerhoff, WM Murrah, Z Hutchison, M Miller, JA Roper
Gait & Posture, 2019
Play-based after-school curriculum improves measures of executive function, visuospatial and math skills and classroom behavior for high risk K-1 children
DW Grissmer, AJ Mashburn, E Cottone, WB Chen, LL Brock, WM Murrah, ...
paper to be presented at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research in …, 2013
Comparing Self-Regulatory and Early Academic Skills as Predictors of Later Math, Reading, and Science Elementary School Achievement.
WM Murrah III
ProQuest LLC, 2010
Meta-analyzing enhanced expectancies on motor learning: Positive effects but methodological concerns
MFB Bacelar, JO Parma, WM Murrah, MW Miller
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 17 (1), 587-616, 2024
Impact of Personality on Choice of Instructional Delivery and Students’ Performance
S Chesser, WM Murrah, A Forbes, Sean
American Journal of Distance Education, 2020
Psychometric Properties of the Teacher-Reported Motor Skills Rating Scale
H Kim, WM Murrah, CE Cameron, LL Brock, EA Cottone, D Grissmer
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 2014
A dietary intervention high in green leafy vegetables reduces oxidative DNA damage in adults at increased risk of colorectal cancer: biological outcomes of the randomized …
AD Frugé, KS Smith, AJ Riviere, R Tenpenny-Chigas, ...
Nutrients 13 (4), 1220, 2021
Primary outcomes of a randomized controlled crossover trial to explore the effects of a high chlorophyll dietary intervention to reduce colon cancer risk in adults: The Meat …
AD Frugé, KS Smith, AJ Riviere, W Demark-Wahnefried, AE Arthur, ...
Nutrients, 2019
The efficacy of minds in motion on children’s development of executive function, visuo-spatial and math skills
D Grissmer, A Mashburn, E Cottone, L Brock, W Murrah, J Blodgett, ...
society for research in educational effectiveness conference, Washington, DC, 2013
A Kindergarten Lottery Evaluation of Core Knowledge Charter Schools: Should Building General Knowledge Have a Central Role in Educational and Social Science Research and Policy?
TE Grissmer, David, Richard Buddin, Mark Berends, Daniel Willingham, Jamie ...
EdWorkingPaper 23 (755), 2023
The Association of Upper-Body Kinematics and Earned Run Average of National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I Softball Pitchers
KB Friesen, JW Barfield, WM Murrah, JR Dugas, JR Andrews, ...
Journal of Strength and Conditioning, 2019
Core and whole body vibration exercise influences muscle sensitivity and posture during a military foot march
KD Lyons, AG Parks, O Dadematthews, N Zandieh, P McHenry, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (9), 4966, 2021
A Framework for Incorporating Intervention Fidelity in Educational Evaluation Studies
WM Murrah, J Kosovich, C Hulleman
Implementation Fidelity in Randomized Educational Trials: An Applied Perspective, 2016
Compound Bias Due to Measurement Error When Comparing Regression Coefficients
WM Murrah
Educational and Psychological Measurement 80 (3), 548-577, 2020
Usage and acceptability of data normalization in baseball pitching
KA Giordano, AJ Barrack, WM Murrah, AR Karduna, LA Michener, ...
Sports Biomechanics, 1-12, 2024
Murrah, and Joel S. Steele. 2010,"
D Grissmer, KJ Grimm, SM Aiyer, M William
Fine motor skills and early comprehension of the world: Two new school …, 2010
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Articles 1–20