Erin McAuley
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Cited by
Occludin OCEL-domain interactions are required for maintenance and regulation of the tight junction barrier to macromolecular flux
MM Buschmann, L Shen, H Rajapakse, DR Raleigh, Y Wang, Y Wang, ...
Molecular biology of the cell 24 (19), 3056-3068, 2013
Modeling tumor–host interactions of chronic lymphocytic leukemia in xenografted mice to study tumor biology and evaluate targeted therapy
SEM Herman, X Sun, EM McAuley, MM Hsieh, S Pittaluga, M Raffeld, ...
Leukemia 27 (12), 2311-2321, 2013
MEIS1 and MEIS2 Expression and Prostate Cancer Progression: A Role For HOXB13 Binding Partners in Metastatic DiseaseMEIS-HOX Proteins in Prostate Cancer Progression
RR Bhanvadia, C VanOpstall, H Brechka, NS Barashi, M Gillard, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 24 (15), 3668-3680, 2018
TLR signaling is activated in lymph node–resident CLL cells and is only partially inhibited by ibrutinib
EL Dadashian, EM McAuley, D Liu, AL Shaffer III, RM Young, JR Iyer, ...
Cancer research 79 (2), 360-371, 2019
Fostamatinib inhibits B-cell receptor signaling, cellular activation and tumor proliferation in patients with relapsed and refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia
SEM Herman, PM Barr, EM McAuley, D Liu, A Wiestner, JW Friedberg
Leukemia 27 (8), 1769-1773, 2013
Phenylboronic acid is a more potent inhibitor than boric acid of key signaling networks involved in cancer cell migration
EM McAuley, TA Bradke, GE Plopper
Cell adhesion & migration 5 (5), 382-386, 2011
Variants in SARS-CoV-2 associated with mild or severe outcome
JD Voss, M Skarzynski, EM McAuley, EJ Maier, T Gibbons, AC Fries, ...
Evolution, medicine, and public health 9 (1), 267-275, 2021
Sox2 Expression Marks Castration‐Resistant Progenitor Cells in the Adult Murine Prostate
E McAuley, D Moline, C VanOpstall, S Lamperis, R Brown, ...
Stem Cells 37 (5), 690-700, 2019
Comparison of binding characterization of two antiviral drugs to human serum albumin
M Li, E McAuley, Y Zhang, LL Kong, F Yang, ZP Zhou, XY Wu, H Liang
Chemical biology & drug design 83 (5), 576-582, 2014
Magnetic resonance imaging and molecular characterization of a hormone-mediated murine model of prostate enlargement and bladder outlet obstruction
EM McAuley, D Mustafi, BW Simons, R Valek, M Zamora, E Markiewicz, ...
The American journal of pathology 187 (11), 2378-2387, 2017
Contribution of caudal Müllerian duct mesenchyme to prostate development
H Brechka, EM McAuley, SM Lamperis, GP Paner, DJ Vander Griend
Stem cells and development 25 (22), 1733-1741, 2016
Evaluation of electric cell-substrate impedance sensing for the detection of nanomaterial toxicity
E McAuley, B Mohanraj, T Phamduy, GE Plopper, D Corr, D Chrisey
International Journal of Biomedical Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2 (2 …, 2011
Fostamatinib Inhibits BCR Signaling, and Reduces Tumor Cell Activation and Proliferation in Patients with Relapsed Refractory Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
SEM Herman, PM Barr, EM McAuley, D Liu, JW Friedberg, A Wiestner
Blood 120 (21), 2882, 2012
SARS-CoV-2 genome-based severity predictions correspond to lower qPCR values and higher viral load
M Skarzynski, EM McAuley, EJ Maier, AC Fries, JD Voss, RR Chapleau
Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics 2022, 2022
Linking Genotype to Phenotype: Further Exploration of Mutations in SARS-CoV-2 Associated with Mild or Severe Outcomes
R Agarwal, T Leblond, EM McAuley, EJ Maier, M Skarzynski, JD Voss, ...
medRxiv, 2022.04. 15.22273922, 2022
Ibrutinib Inhibits Both B-Cell Receptor and Toll-like Receptor Signaling in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
SEM Herman, EM McAuley, DH Wong, C Sun, D Liu, A Wiestner
Blood 126 (23), 313, 2015
The androgen receptor splice variant AR-V7 associates with the glucocorticoid receptor following androgen blockade
E Bueter, D Hosfield, E McAuley, P Selman, G Greene, SD Conzen, ...
Cancer Research 79 (13_Supplement), 1016-1016, 2019
The role of SOX2 in promoting resistance to AR-targeted therapies in prostate cancer
L Wet, A Williams, M Gillard, S Kregel, T Garcia, E McAuley, R Brown, ...
Cancer Research 78 (13_Supplement), 3348-3348, 2018
SARS-CoV-2 genome-based severity predictions correspond to lower qPCR values and higher viral load (preprint)
M Skarzynski, E McAuley, E Maier, A Fries, J Voss, R Chapleau
Sophisticated Privacy-Preserving Data Mining Techniques for Privacy and Security in the Era of Big Data
E McAuley
2020 AcademyHealth Health Datapalooza and National Health Policy Conference, 2020
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Articles 1–20