José Ramón Méndez Reboredo
José Ramón Méndez Reboredo
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Applying lazy learning algorithms to tackle concept drift in spam filtering
F Fdez-Riverola, EL Iglesias, F Díaz, JR Méndez, JM Corchado
Expert Systems with Applications 33 (1), 36-48, 2007
A comparative performance study of feature selection methods for the anti-spam filtering domain
JR Méndez, F Fdez-Riverola, F Díaz, EL Iglesias, JM Corchado
Advances in Data Mining. Applications in Medicine, Web Mining, Marketing …, 2006
Tokenising, stemming and stopword removal on anti-spam filtering domain
JR Méndez, EL Iglesias, F Fdez-Riverola, F Díaz, JM Corchado
Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence: 11th Conference of the Spanish …, 2006
Tracking concept drift at feature selection stage in spamhunting: An anti-spam instance-based reasoning system
JR Méndez, F Fdez-Riverola, EL Iglesias, F Díaz, JM Corchado
Advances in Case-Based Reasoning: 8th European Conference, ECCBR 2006 …, 2006
SpamHunting: An instance-based reasoning system for spam labelling and filtering
F Fdez-Riverola, EL Iglesias, F Díaz, JR Méndez, JM Corchado
Decision Support Systems 43 (3), 722-736, 2007
A new semantic-based feature selection method for spam filtering
JR Mendez, TR Cotos-Yanez, D Ruano-Ordas
Applied Soft Computing 76, 89-104, 2019
Assessing classification accuracy in the revision stage of a cbr spam filtering system
JR Méndez, C González, D Glez-Peña, F Fdez-Riverola, F Díaz, ...
International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, 374-388, 2007
Relaxing feature selection in spam filtering by using case-based reasoning systems
JR Méndez, F Fdez-Riverola, D Glez-Peña, F Díaz, JM Corchado
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 13th Portuguese Conference on …, 2007
Managing irrelevant knowledge in CBR models for unsolicited e-mail classification
JR Méndez, D Glez-Peña, F Fdez-Riverola, F Díaz, JM Corchado
Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2), 1601-1614, 2009
Rough sets for spam filtering: Selecting appropriate decision rules for boundary e-mail classification
N Pérez-Díaz, D Ruano-Ordas, JR Mendez, JF Galvez, F Fdez-Riverola
Applied soft computing 12 (11), 3671-3682, 2012
Optimising anti-spam filters with evolutionary algorithms
I Yevseyeva, V Basto-Fernandes, D Ruano-Ordás, JR Méndez
Expert systems with applications 40 (10), 4010-4021, 2013
SDAI: An integral evaluation methodology for content-based spam filtering models
N Perez-Diaz, D Ruano-Ordas, F Fdez-Riverola, JR Mendez
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (16), 12487-12500, 2012
Fuzzy patterns and GCS networks to clustering gene expression data
D Glez-Pena, F Díaz, F Fdez-Riverola, JR Méndez, JM Corchado
Fuzzy Systems in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 103-125, 2009
An evolutionary approach for sample-based clustering on microarray data
D Glez-Peña, F Díaz, JR Méndez, JM Corchado, F Fdez-Riverola
Distributed Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics, Soft …, 2009
Intelligent systems for detecting and filtering spam e-mail: a survey.
JR Méndez, F Fdez-Riverola, F Díaz, JM Corchado
Inteligencia Artif. 11 (34), 63-81, 2007
Using evolutionary computation for discovering spam patterns from e-mail samples
D Ruano-Ordás, F Fdez-Riverola, JR Méndez
Information Processing & Management 54 (2), 303-317, 2018
Concept drift in e-mail datasets: An empirical study with practical implications
D Ruano-Ordas, F Fdez-Riverola, JR Mendez
Information Sciences 428, 120-135, 2018
A spam filtering multi-objective optimization study covering parsimony maximization and three-way classification
V Basto-Fernandes, I Yevseyeva, JR Méndez, J Zhao, F Fdez-Riverola, ...
Applied Soft Computing 48, 111-123, 2016
BioDR: Semantic indexing networks for biomedical document retrieval
A Lourenço, R Carreira, D Glez-Peña, JR Méndez, S Carneiro, LM Rocha, ...
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (4), 3444-3453, 2010
Palynological differences in the pollen content of Eucalyptus honey from Australia, Portugal and Spain.
MC Seijo, MJ Aira, J Méndez
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Articles 1–20