Marcela Cruchaga
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Cited by
Collapse of a liquid column: numerical simulation and experimental validation
MA Cruchaga, DJ Celentano, TE Tezduyar
Computational Mechanics 39, 453-476, 2007
A moving Lagrangian interface technique for flow computations over fixed meshes
M Cruchaga, D Celentano, T Tezduyar
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 191 (6-7), 525-543, 2001
A finite element formulation for incompressible flow problems using a generalized streamline operator
MA Cruchaga, E Oñate
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 143 (1-2), 49-67, 1997
Mechanical characterisation of the human thoracic descending aorta: experiments and modelling
CM García-Herrera, DJ Celentano, MA Cruchaga, FJ Rojo, JM Atienza, ...
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 15 (2), 185-193, 2012
Simulation and experimental validation of multiple-step wire drawing processes
DJ Celentano, MA Palacios, EL Rojas, MA Cruchaga, AA Artigas, ...
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 45 (3), 163-180, 2009
Moving‐interface computations with the edge‐tracked interface locator technique (ETILT)
MA Cruchaga, DJ Celentano, TE Tezduyar
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 47 (6‐7), 451-469, 2005
A generalized streamline finite element approach for the analysis of incompressible flow problems including moving surfaces
MA Cruchaga, E Oñate
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 173 (1-2), 241-255, 1999
Numerical modelling of 3D sloshing experiments in rectangular tanks
L Battaglia, M Cruchaga, M Storti, J D’Elía, JN Aedo, R Reinoso
Applied Mathematical Modelling 59, 357-378, 2018
Numerical study of bifurcation blood flows using three different non-Newtonian constitutive models
C Abugattas, A Aguirre, E Castillo, M Cruchaga
Applied Mathematical Modelling 88, 529-549, 2020
Study of 3D sloshing in a vertical cylindrical tank
PA Caron, MA Cruchaga, AE Larreteguy
Physics of Fluids 30 (8), 2018
Numerical modeling and experimental validation of free surface flow problems
M Cruchaga, L Battaglia, M Storti, J D’Elía
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 23, 139-169, 2016
A study of the backward‐facing step problem using a generalized streamline formulation
MA Cruchaga
Communications in numerical methods in engineering 14 (8), 697-708, 1998
Stationary and time-dependent numerical approximation of the lid-driven cavity problem for power-law fluid flows at high Reynolds numbers using a stabilized finite element …
A Aguirre, E Castillo, M Cruchaga, R Codina, J Baiges
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 257, 22-43, 2018
Numerical simulation and experimental validation of the microindentation test applied to bulk elastoplastic materials
DJ Celentano, B Guelorget, M François, MA Cruchaga, A Slimane
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 20 (4), 045007, 2012
Computation of mould filling processes with a moving Lagrangian interface technique
M Cruchaga, D Celentano, T Tezduyar
Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 18 (7), 483-493, 2002
Finite element computation and experimental validation of sloshing in rectangular tanks
MA Cruchaga, RS Reinoso, MA Storti, DJ Celentano, TE Tezduyar
Computational Mechanics 52, 1301-1312, 2013
A Numerical model based on the mixed interface‐tracking/interface‐capturing technique (MITICT) for flows with fluid–solid and fluid–fluid interfaces
MA Cruchaga, DJ Celentano, TE Tezduyar
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 54 (6‐8), 1021-1030, 2007
A front remeshing technique for a Lagrangian description of moving interfaces in two‐fluid flows
M Cruchaga, D Celentano, P Breitkopf, P Villon, A Rassineux
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 66 (13), 2035-2063, 2006
Modeling fluid‐solid thermomechanical interactions in casting processes
MA Cruchaga, DJ Celentano, RW Lewis
International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 14 (2), 167-186, 2004
A finite element thermally coupled flow formulation for phase‐change problems
MA Cruchaga, DJ Celentano
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 34 (4), 279-305, 2000
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Articles 1–20